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Playing With / Humans Are White

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Basic Trope: The human race is depicted as universally white if not one race in fantastical works.

  • Straight: The space opera series, Planetary Tropes, features three sci-fi races — Humans, Space Elves and Space Orcs. All characters of the human race are light-skinned and look like real-life people of European ancestry (i.e., white people).
  • Exaggerated: We even get to see other usually non-white dominant regions later in the work too, like Asia and Africa... to which they are also shown to be vastly populated by white european-looking people for some reason. And the few actual Asians or Africans that do appear are either half-white, or have some feature that makes them look more ambiguously human other than an actual non-white human, like technicolored skin.
  • Downplayed: Similar to the Exaggerated example, African and Asian people do appear on more than a single occasion, but are all half-white.
  • Justified:
    • Since humans live on planets without much sunlight, they have developed fair skin tone to absorb as much ultraviolet ray (which helps the body produce the precious Vitamin D) as possible.
    • Non-whites were driven to extinction in the past.
    • Most of the humans encountered by a certain alien race happened to look white, resulting in most of their inaccurate depictions of humans as entirely white, due to a lack of further contact or information. When another race of humans does show up, the aliens wrongly assume them to be a different species, until DNA scans and historical records prove that the later humans are indeed related.
  • Inverted:
    • Humans are depicted as every other race except white
    • All characters of the human race are dark skinned while the aliens are depicted as white or pale skinned.
  • Subverted:
    • Black people return from centuries-long hibernation in a cryogenic facility.
    • The characters, in a space expedition, discover a planet where darker-skinned humans live.
    • The characters themselves are actually black people who have been living in a matrix-like dream world where they are white.
    • Or their dark skin have been concealed behind false white skin.
    • Or the characters just happen to be light-skinned black, Asian, Native American, or Latino.
    • All characters were White in the first installment, but the sequels would later introduce more characters of different races and skin tone.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The newly discovered Black people are actually white peole who intentionally paint their skin dark with make-up.
    • When the characters wake up from the dream world, their skin instantly turns white.
    • The sequels were cancelled before release, making whatever of those non-white characters that would've debuted here a mystery.
  • Parodied:
    • The human characters always have to wear sunglasses because their nigh-translucent skin reflects sunlight everywhere.
    • Every species of Rubber-Forehead Alien is also white. Except for the one that's just white people with a spray tan.
  • Zig Zagged: The humans can change their skin colour at will.
  • Averted: The characters of the human race in Planetary Tropes are racially diverse.
  • Enforced: Minorities are socially stigmatized in the country where Planetary Tropes is aired, so all actors have to be white.
  • Lampshaded: "Don't you find it strange that everyone in this star system is white?"
  • Invoked: "We the Germans should be proud of our heritage. Exterminate those dark-skinned subhumans!"
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz brings the humans to their knees with strong ultraviolet rays that instantly cause skin cancer.
  • Defied: The humans regularly tan their skin to minimize the risk of sunburn.
  • Discussed: "The first humans originated from Africa and had dark skin." "Professor, then why are people today all fair-skinned?"
  • Conversed: "This particular show has only white people in it as actual humans. Isn't that racist?"
  • Deconstructed: The humans are incapacitated because they all suffer from skin cancer.
  • Reconstructed: The humans invent sunscreens, latest medical technology, and genetic engineering so they don't get skin cancer.
  • Played For Laughs: An African-American astronaut from Earth winds up in the Planetary Tropes star system. Not only does he prove himself to be stronger, smarter, and overall superior to the natives, the natives also begin to worship him as their new god!
  • Played For Drama: A non-white astronaut from Earth winds up in the Planetary Tropes star system, and everyone assumes he's a Humanoid Alien spy.

Back to the universally fair-skinned, white, blonde, and blue-eyed Humans Are White.
