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Playing With / Human Pet

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Basic Trope: A human is kept as a pet by another species.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob (humans) are the pets of Charlie (a relatively giant alien).
  • Exaggerated:
    • Every human on Earth has been abducted, and adopted as pets, by aliens.
    • Humans are sold in pet shops, and wear collars.
    • The Earth itself is used like an ant farm by an Eldritch Abomination.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob have a tiny pet alien named "Charlie".
  • Justified:
    • Humans are on the verge of extinction, and the aliens figured making them pets would be the best way to save them.
    • Alice and Bob decided they would rather be Charlie's pets than be eaten alive.
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: You know Alice, it's pretty funny that we're the pets, since humans are usually the owners. Isn't that funny?
    Alice: Shut up, Bob.
  • Discussed: "Oh those poor, silly, puny humans. Once so proud and mighty. Now they are but animals to be owned by us. How pitiful, really."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice is concerned that by being pets, she and Bob have lost their free will.
      Alice: Bob, don't you realize what's happening? We've been stripped of our free will!
    • Humans are great apes and like other non-human great apes, they make terrible pets. Charlie ends up severely injured or killed when Bob and Alice attack him.
  • Reconstructed: Bob doesn't really mind being a pet, and assures Alice that things could be worse.
    Bob: Come on Alice, being a pet's actually not so bad. At least the aliens aren't eating us, and they give us plenty of food, and care.
    Alice: Touché.
  • Exploited: Alice and Bob use their new pet status to their advantage to help them survive.
    Alice: You know Bob? You're right, being a pet's actually not so bad. We get to live here rent free, they feed, bathe, and take us for walks in plastic balls. Which admittedly is rather fun.
  • Subverted: Alice and Bob are actually Charlie's roommates, rather than pets. He just keeps them in a pet cage, since it's the only thing small enough for them.
  • Double Subverted: Alice and Bob actually are Charlie's pets, he just calls them "roommates" because they don't like being called "pets".
  • Played for Laughs: ???
  • Played for Drama: ???
  • Enforced: "Humans are another animal, why should they be treated any different?"
  • Averted: Humans aren't pets.
  • Downplayed: Charlie treats Alice and Bob as adoptive children rather than pets.
  • Parodied: Charlie interacts with his pet humans, Alice and Bob, as friends who are his equals.
  • Zig-Zagged: Charlie the alien adopts Alice and Bob as pets, but still lets them keep their own pet dog. Or gives them a much smaller alien as their own pet.
  • Conversed: "You know, I often wonder why fiction makes such a big deal out of aliens keeping pet humans, like wouldn't that be a good thing?"
