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Playing With / Horrible Camping Trip

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Basic Trope: A camping holiday goes horribly wrong for any of a number of reasons.

  • Straight:
    • Alice and Bob go on a camping holiday and get Cabin Fever.
    • Clare and Dave are on a camping trip, but find themselves in a Rain, Rain, Go Away situation.
    • Emma and Frank have gone to the campsite for the weekend, but can't light a fire.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice, Bob, Clare, Dave, Emma or Frank get homesick on the camping holiday.
  • Justified:
    • It's their first time camping, and they do not know how to do this correctly. This one ties in with the 'cannot light a fire' scenario.
    • Alternatively, misfortune follows the campers everywhere they go.
  • Inverted: The camping trip goes so well the campers decide to live on the campsite full time.
  • Subverted: Alice, Bob, Clare, Dave, Emma and/or Frank imagines that the trip will go wrong, but it does not.
  • Double Subverted: ...Until something happens and the trip is judged to have gone wrong.
  • Parodied: The ruined holiday was staged, but things happened that genuinely did not go their way.
  • Zig Zagged: Things go wrong one day, and things go right the next.
  • Averted: The camping trip goes very well.
  • Enforced: It's a camping comedy, things have to go wrong.
  • Lampshaded: "God, this makes me think I do not want to go camping again!"
  • Invoked: The campers have an enemy (let's say he or she is their main enemy) who appears in dramatic fashion and ruins the holiday.
  • Exploited: The ruined holiday was staged as a fraud.
  • Defied: A camping trip is considered, but not embarked on because the holidaymakers think things will go wrong.
  • Discussed: "How come disaster follows us on our camping holidays?"
  • Conversed: "I hear Alice and Bob's last camping trip was a nightmare."
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Alice, Bob, Clare, Dave, Emma and Frank all suffer a tremendous Humiliation Conga during their holiday camping trip.
    • The things that made the horrible camping trip "horrible" are Faux Horrific or absurdist like camping next to a retreat for mimes, accidentally buying tofu hot dogs, or the only tabletop game they brought with them being Parcheesi.
  • Played For Drama: Half of the campgoers are infected with dysentery, and the other half gets broken bones, are mauled by a dog, are fired from their job because their boss really got pissed that they took a weekend off and damage their car suspension bad enough that the price tag screws their credit rate.
  • Played For Horror: The campgoers' Humiliation Conga is the opening "comedy" part of a Don't Go in the Woods Hillbilly Horrors film. Things become very dark very fast in the middle act.

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