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Playing With / Give Him a Normal Life

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Basic Trope: Parents who lead a dangerous and troubled life give their child up for the child's own safety.

  • Straight: Mighty Wizard Bob and Badass Fighter Alice send their son Charlie to be Raised by Grandparents.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob the Greatest Wizard of All Dimensions and Alice the Field Marshal of the Omniverse give their son up for adoption without even naming him.
    • Every Battle Couple in the universe does it.
  • Downplayed: Bob and Alice send Charlie to his grandparents whenever danger is near.
    • Either Bob or Alice retires from world-saving to raise Charlie normally.
    • Mighty Wizard Bob and his estranged wife Girl Next Door Alice want to keep Charlie safe, so Charlie stays with Alice and she tells him his father's dead.
  • Justified: Due to Bob and Alice constantly battling powerful villains, their household is always at risk.
  • Inverted: Bob and Alice raise Charlie to be as badass as them.
    • Superhero Charlie leaves his parents to keep them away from danger.
    • Muggles Bob and Alice send Charlie to a wizarding school to provide him with a more exciting life.
  • Subverted: World-Saving Heroes Bob and Alice send Charlie to his grandparents... who happen to be Multiverse-Saving Heroes Don and Emma.
  • Double Subverted: But they are now fully retired and live peacefully.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob and Alice are unable to decide how they should raise Charlie: with them and in danger or with other people and in safety.
  • Averted: Bob and Alice don't lead a dangerous life. Or they don't have children.
  • Enforced: "Charlie has to suffer Parental Abandonment, but we can't turn Bob and Alice into outright villains. I know – let's make them leave him for his own safety!"
  • Lampshaded: "If we ever have kids, let's spare them all this madness."
  • Defied: Charlie refuses to leave his parents.
  • Discussed: "And where's your son?" "He's with my sister's family in Peacelands Village, thank goodness."
  • Conversed: "I'll bet you Charlie's parents will turn out to be superheroes who left him for his own good."
  • Implied: On their desk, Bob and Alice keep a photograph of a smiling boy and an elderly couple in pleasant rural surroundings.
  • Played For Laughs: Grandpa makes Charlie take piano lessons and Grandma tells him to wash dishes and brush his teeth. Charlie would very much prefer fighting dragons.
  • Played For Drama: Charlie detests his parents for abandoning him.
