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Playing With / Flexibility Equals Sex Ability

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Basic Trope: A character is considered especially attractive and good in bed because of their flexibility.

  • Straight: Everybody wants Leanne Limber because she's so flexible.
  • Exaggerated: Leanne's exes all talk about how incredibly amazing sex with Leanne was, because of her flexibility.
  • Downplayed: Leanne does yoga, and always seems to keep her partners happy.
  • Justified: Leanne has taken up studying sex positions that she can take advantage of due to her flexibility.
  • Inverted:
    • Leanne is considered unattractive because she's too willowy and limber.
    • Leanne is considered especially sexy because she's a Cute Clumsy Girl who isn't flexible at all.
  • Subverted: Leanne implies to her partner that her flexibility could be useful at get into a tight space to clean something.
  • Double Subverted: Leanne, using her flexibility to clean something, inspires her partner to have amazing sex with her.
  • Parodied:
    • Leanne is a contortionist, and just watching her is enough for onlookers to jizz in their pants.
    • Leanne's yoga studio specializes in Comic Sutra poses.
  • Averted: Leanne is very flexible, but it doesn't make her particularly more attractive.
  • Enforced: Leanne is described as a sex goddess because she's especially flexible, but there is no other indication that she is particularly attractive or that she is particularly good in bed.
  • Lampshaded: Leanne and her partner review a list of extreme sex positions they've tried, and note which ones were better than others.
  • Invoked: Leanne decided to take up gymnastics in order to be seen as good in bed.
  • Exploited: Somebody introduces Leanne to a new partner so that the new partner will be busy in bed with Leanne, distracting them.
  • Defied: Leanne tells a potential partner that, despite being flexible, she doesn't want to be bent like a pretzel in bed.
  • Discussed: "I've got a hot date with Leanne. She's super flexible, and you know what that means."
  • Conversed: "Oh, Leanne is a yoga teacher, so everyone expects her to be amazing in bed."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Leanne, aware of her reputation, doesn't actually put any effort into sex and is fairly uninteresting in bed.
    • Leanne can't do any yoga without being sexually harassed.
  • Reconstructed: Leanne, realizing that she's losing partners because she's uninteresting in bed, talks to her partner about what they want and learns to make use of her flexibility for their mutual pleasure.
  • Implied: Someone comments on Leanne's impressive flexibility, and she responds with an Innocent Innuendo.

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