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Playing With / Eyes Always Shut

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Basic Trope: A character consistently keeps their eyes closed.

  • Straight: Ayaka perpetually maintains closed eyes, never revealing them.
  • Exaggerated: Ayaka's eyes remain perpetually closed, yet miraculously, she navigates her world without any hindrance.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Ayaka is blind and she doesn't want people to find that out.
    • Insecurity compels Ayaka to hide her mismatched pink and green irises.
    • Ayaka is a kitsune, so she closes her eyes to hide them.
    • Employed by an enigmatic agency, Ayaka maintains closed eyes as a mandatory protocol.
  • Inverted: Ayaka's eyes remain ceaselessly open; she never closes them.
  • Subverted: Miko persistently insists that Ayaka's eyes are forever shut, but this assertion later unravels as a falsehood.
  • Double Subverted: Unbeknownst to Miko and Takuya, Ayaka's eyes are indeed always closed; she orchestrated the deception and Miko was in on the prank.
  • Parodied: Ayaka's constant closed eyes lead to comedic mishaps like bumping into walls due to her inability to see.
  • Zig-Zagged: Ayaka's eye state alternates between being consistently closed and unexpectedly open.
  • Averted: Ayaka's eyes are never persistently shut; there are moments when they are seen open.
  • Enforced: "Let Ayaka open her eyes only during significant Beware the Nice Ones moments."
  • Lampshaded:
    Ayaka: Watch me hit a bullseye!
    Miko: Good luck with your eyes forever shut!
Ayaka: I CAN'T SEE!
  • Invoked: Inspired by a character from a show with perpetually closed eyes, Ayaka decides to emulate this unique trait she finds cool.
  • Exploited: Ayaka's friends ingeniously leverage her constantly closed eyes during games, often letting her go first in hide-and-seek because of her limited vision.
  • Defied:
    • Ayaka: Oh no. There's no way my eyes are staying shut forever!
    • Takuya: Ayaka, your eyes will open whether you like it or not!
  • Discussed:
    Takuya: Hey Miko, have you noticed that Ayaka's eyes are always closed?
    Miko: It's unsettling.
  • Conversed: Ever noticed how cartoons and anime characters often feature individuals with perpetually closed eyes?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • Ayaka is seen as weird due to her closed eyes.
    • As Ayaka is unable to see anything due to her always closing her eyes shut, she ends up walking off a cliff while trying to get to her car.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Eventually, people get used to it and start emulating Ayaka's closed-eye style.
    • Ayaka manages to grab on to a hanging branch to slow down her fall and survives.
  • Played for Laughs: Ayaka constantly cracks jokes about her closed eyes.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Ayaka is cursed, compelled to keep her eyes closed, as opening them results in uncontrollable laser beams emanating from her eyes.
    • Ayaka becomes a target of bullying due to her closed eyes.
  • Played for Horror: Ayaka, a demon girl, keeps her eyes closed because opening them releases two rampaging monsters that can wreak havoc upon the city.

Back to Eyes Always Shut. And by the way, please open your eyes.
