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Playing With / Doomed Contrarian

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Basic Trope: A character disagrees with the protagonist and dies because of it.
  • Straight: Bob says that the group should avoid Danger Mountain. Carol disagrees and climbs it, dying in the process.
  • Exaggerated: Anyone who questions Bob or disagrees with him is struck by lightning right after, killing them.
  • Downplayed: Carol is injured as a result of ignoring Bob, but learns to trust him and recovers.
  • Justified: Danger Mountain is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Thus, Bob knows to avoid it. But Carol is Too Dumb to Live.
  • Inverted: Carol is the only character to survive.
  • Subverted: Carol seemingly dies, but is A-OK...
  • Double Subverted: Only to get run over by a semi-truck when she disagrees with Bob again.
  • Parodied: Carol is hit with a Cool and Unusual Punishment.
  • Zig-Zagged: Carol consistently disagrees with Bob, either getting punished in various ways or being completely fine.
  • Averted: Carol doesn't disagree with Bob.
  • Enforced: The executives want Carol to die to add tension to the story, and the writers feel this is the easiest way.
  • Lampshaded: "Note to self: never disagree with Bob."
  • Invoked: Bob sets up a trap to make Carol look bad and make himself look like the only one qualified to lead the group.
  • Exploited: Carol does this as a way to get out of the quest, knowing she'll likely be killed for not following Bob.
  • Defied: Carol uses wit and cunning to escape all of the threats on Danger Mountain, and exposes Bob for setting her up to die.
  • Discussed: "Why are you afraid to disagree with Bob? It's not like you'll die or anything."
  • Conversed: "Having characters die as a result of disagreeing with the protagonist is pretty cheap."

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