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Playing With / Did You Get a New Haircut?

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Straight: A character changes drastically, and another asks if it's something mundane like a wardrobe change.

  • Straight: Alice turns into a werewolf, but when Bob sees her, he says, "You look different. Did you get a new haircut?"
  • Exaggerated: Alice turns into a bald Eldritch Abomination, but Bob asks, "new haircut?"
  • Downplayed: Alice gets a new dress, but Bob doesn't pick up on it and asks if it's a new haircut.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is stupid.
    • Whatever supernatural forces that turned Alice into a werewolf also affected Bob's perception.
    • Alice attacked Bob, leaving him with a head injury.
    • Blind Bob felt Alice's fur and came to the wrong but understandable conclusion that it was hair.
    • Bob was just trying to be polite.
  • Inverted: Alice gets a new haircut, but when she asks Bob if he notices anything new about her, he says, "Are you a werewolf now?!".
  • Subverted: Bob is known for asking if drastic changes are mundane, but now he says, "You look different. Did you get to be a werewolf?"
  • Double Subverted: Where "werewolf" is his personal slang for people with a certain haircut.
  • Parodied: Alice loses all her hair from a cruel accident, but Bob asks her if she got a haircut.
  • Zigzagged: Bob makes several false guesses about Alice's condition, from the mundane ("Did you get a new haircut?") to the extreme ("Are you a zombie?").
  • Averted:
    • Alice does not change.
    • Bob immediately notices that Alice is a werewolf.
  • Lampshaded: "How did you not notice I was a friggin' werewolf?!"
  • Enforced: "This is a comedy/horror, so we need to put a joke in after Alice's werewolf transformation lest it become too scary to be funny anymore."
  • Invoked: Alice wants to hear Bob's inappropriate question, so she lets him see what happened to her.
  • Exploited: Alice eats Bob while he's busy guessing what's different.
  • Defied: Bob is worried about making a wrong question, which he admits while showing that he knows that Alice turned into a werewolf.
  • Discussed: "I had a strange dream where I'd turned into a werewolf, but everyone didn't notice! They thought I'd just changed my hair or something. I hope that doesn't happen in real life."
  • Conversed: "What's going on with that 'Bob' character?! His coworker's a werewolf now and he doesn't even know what's different?!"
  • Implied: Alice, after having eaten Bob, remarks that he's bad at noticing changes.
  • Deconstructed: Bob and Alice were friends, and this damages their relationship, leading to her either eating him or ending their friendship, as Bob is left to grieve over the retribution.
  • Reconstructed: Alice spares Bob because she finds his question funny.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice did get a new haircut, but then points out that that's not the important part.
  • Played for Drama: Bob lied about not being blind all of his life, and when people see him meet Alice, his lie is exposed.
  • Played for Horror: Bob is usually the most attentive of the group, so when he doesn't realise what's changed about Alice, that means something is seriously wrong with him too.

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