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Playing With / Crisis Point Hospital

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Basic Trope Description: A hospital in a state of crisis that suffers from an overflow of patients and corpses, severely overworked staff and heavy shortages in material, often due to The Plague or The Virus.

  • Straight: St. Troperian Memorial Hospital is overcrowded with patients, there is neither enough room nor medical equipment for everyone, the staff is overworked and a part of them is infected themselves, and mass graves are dug outside to finally empty the morgue.
  • Exaggerated: Abandoned Hospital
  • Downplayed: St. Troperian Memorial Hospital would need some medical workers and some equipment more to function well, but can still give basic medical services like mending broken bones.
  • Justified: The Plague is ravaging Troperia, and St. Troperian Memorial Hospital wasn't prepared for an event like that since it was considered too unlikely.
  • Inverted: St. Troperian Memorial Hospital is a place that heals all its patients by magic and so never suffers any shortages or overflows of patients.
  • Subverted: When our heroes get into St. Troperian Memorial Hospital, they find the waiting rooms overcrowded with patients of The Plague, overworked, tired and coughing doctors and black bags all around. But it is just like this since a pandemic movie is shot there at the moment.
  • Double Subverted: Then the real plague breaks out, the shooting has to be cancelled and real patients start flooding into the hospital.
  • Enforced: The author wants to give The Plague more gravitas as an antagonist by describing its results in a Nausea Fuel manner.
  • Averted: Our heroes avoid hospitals out of fear of catching the infection there.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some hospitals have broken down, some not (yet).
  • Parodied: All hospitals have signs outside that read "Free viruses for everyone, we have too many."
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz left the hospitals unprepared for dealing with a plague as part of his scheme to adopt a God Guise - which involves curing everyone willing to worship him (even only out of despair) by a miracle.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz tries to kill as many people as possible with The Plague by luring them into the suffering hospitals.
  • Defied: The government of Troperia tried its best to prepare the country for a cataclysm like a pandemic, so hospitals are still working thanks to good planning.
  • Lampshaded: "This looks like your typical pandemic movie. Better out here."
  • Discussed: "People are placed in the corridors..." "Yes, and most doctors are just also sick now..."
  • Conversed: "And this is why healthcare systems need to have crisis intervention plans for epidemics."
  • Implied: Alice is sent off into St. Troperian Memorial Hospital to check whether they would still have a free bed for the infected teammate Bob. When she turns up again, she is visibly Green Around the Gills, looks shocked and just says "No."
  • Deconstructed: The hospitals are in such a bad state that they become main spreading points of The Plague and by this, places to avoid specifically.
  • Reconstructed: On the other hand, they are the only places were you can still hope for at least some help, so people still go there.
  • Played for Drama: Alice searches for Bob in a frantical manner, maneuvring around beds in corridors, body bags and sick doctors and nearly falling into an open mass grave by accident, only to find Bob dead in the morgue.
  • Played for Horror: There are some nice close-ups of the rather unpleasant results of The Plague on the human body.
