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Playing With / Crappy Carnival

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Basic Trope: A really bad carnival, fair, or amusement park.

  • Straight: Wiki World is a dingy mess, has a lot of broken down rides, and doesn't take safety seriously enough.
  • Exaggerated: Wiki World has ride accidents regularly, has a history of food poisoning, and charges for restrooms.
  • Downplayed: Wiki World's rides are safe and functional but the park's attractions are outdated and the park itself is a little on the grungy side.
  • Justified:
    • Wiki World is struggling to stay in business, so non-essential costs are avoided, letting minor problems spiral.
    • Wiki World is profitable, even under poor management, so the higher-ups see no incentive to try harder.
    • Wiki World was put together and run by people who don't know what they're doing.
  • Inverted: Wiki World has world-class rides, operations, scenery, food, and maintenance.
  • Subverted: Wiki World is hyped up as one of the worst amusement parks of all time, but when Alice arrives, she has a good experience.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Things only run smoothly when Wiki World only has a small crowd. Once the people start piling in, things start falling apart.
    • Alice has a good time at Wiki World... until she's slapped with a Shockingly Expensive Bill. It turns out that while it's competent as a theme park, it has horrible business practices.
  • Parodied: Wiki World's leading source of revenue is used car sales; everyone dies on the rides.
  • Zig Zagged: Wiki World constantly changes ownership. Some owners make the park the best they can. Others are very neglectful.
  • Averted: Wiki World is a well-run park and enjoyable to visit.
  • Enforced: The executives like the idea of a fight scene through an amusement park, and don't want the audience to feel bad about any collateral damage.
  • Lampshaded: "Why can't we ever find a good carnival? You think those would be the ones to stay in business!"
  • Invoked: Bob realizes the subsidy pay for failing businesses is better than his most realistic profit margin, so he sabotages the park to undercut ticket sales.
  • Exploited: Charlie, looking to expand their amusement park chain, buys Wiki World at a discount with the intent to bring new life into it, rather than buy a more acclaimed park or start from scratch.
  • Defied: Despite declining attendance, Bob refuses to cut corners on park maintenance, as the extra cost of upkeep is worth keeping Wiki World's good reputation.
  • Discussed: "This carnival is pretty scummy. It'd be one thing if it was trying to provide thrills on a budget, but even the Merry-Go-Round costs an arm and a leg."
  • Conversed: "You have to wonder why TV seems to love a cruddy amusement park. It's not like anyone in their right mind would go somewhere the rides are falling apart."
  • Implied: Alice, an avid park goer, is shown gleeful on her way into Wiki World, only for it to cut to her storming out.
  • Deconstructed: Because Wiki World is in poor shape, no one wants to pay admission, and thus, it goes out of business.
  • Reconstructed: Bob, owner of Wiki World, finds a balance where he spends just enough to pass safety requirements and bring in a steady supply of guests, but can still get away with cleanliness issues and poor operations because Wiki World doesn't have any regional competitors.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice walks up over a hill, to see Wiki World's signature attraction, The Wonderful Wiki Flyer. As she gets closer, she builds up in anticipation, and when she finally sees's a playground slide.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Wiki World, after years of disrepair, is in danger of shutting down, and it's in the hands of a new manager to bring this park back from the edge of extinction.
    • Alice is seriously injured or killed on a Wiki World ride.
  • Played for Horror: Alice gets locked in the park at night. All the safety concerns and disrepair is for a reason - the park is haunted.

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