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Playing With / Covert Group with Mundane Front

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Basic Trope: An innocent sounding public organization is being used as a front to lower suspicion of the government running it.

  • Straight: "The Ice Cream Museum" is owned by the government and used in order to have secret meetings when their communication network is destroyed.
  • Exaggerated: The Ice Cream Museum was created by the government in order to make the customers eat microchips that turn them into obedient slaves.
  • Downplayed: The Ice Cream Museum was created by an ex president because he already had all of his allowed years in office but he still wanted to have a further positive impact on the world before he died.
  • Justified: The government needs more money but does not want to raise taxes for an already poor community, so they decide to get their money from more traditional means.
  • Inverted: The government bombs the Ice Cream Museum at midnight because it was used to fund a terrorist organization.
  • Subverted: The Ice Cream Museum was accused of being a ploy to give money to the government. The museum had to explain what taxes are to the angry mob.
  • Double Subverted: hoping that their other donations do not get discovered.
  • Parodied: A country runs a restaurant that sells food stereotypical to them (The Chinese government sells noodles, the US sells burgers, etc).
  • Zig-Zagged: The Museum changes ownership constantly. Family buisnesses, cartels, governments, etc.
  • Averted: The government refuses to be too involved in the economy, opting to meet in designated buildings instead of public buildings.
  • Enforced: The writers want the government's presense to be higher and more secretive.
  • Lampshaded: "Am I the only one that likes this place? The building is empty except for the staff and the nuclear codes I hear being said below me.
  • Invoked: The government start building the museum.
  • Exploited: Jeff works at the museum and got a pay cut so he goes online and leaks confidential information that he found to the public. His boss later gets assassinated.
  • Defied: The museum owner refuses to allow soldiers into his building, citing the 3rd amendment.
  • Discussed: Jeff: "Why is Joe Biden in the freezer?" Carl: "Just a quick meeting, the power went out during the call and we are closed so we are designated to hold the meeting."
