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Playing With / Command & Conquer Economy

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Basic Trope: Nothing can be built unless you explicitly order it.

  • Straight: Tropetown Builder requires you to build every building from scratch.
  • Exaggerated: You also have to manually design every room of a mall, the interior of every house and apartment, etc.
  • Downplayed: You can build energy and social service buildings, but almost everything else is built automatically.
  • Justified: You are playing as a Commie Land or a Hive Mind.
  • Inverted: You cannot build by yourself at all.
  • Parodied: You even have to manually control every vehicle, resulting in a collective case of Drives Like Crazy.
  • Zig-Zagged: It depends on what faction you play. Commie Land builds everything manually, State Capitalists need to zone areas, in which construction is delegated to AI, and Privately Owned Society has everything built automatically.
  • Averted: The game does not feature construction.
  • Enforced:
    • Tropetown builder developers consider micromanagement to be part of the fun.
    • The game is an Author Tract about the benefits of economic planning.
  • Deconstructed: Tropetown Builder explores the real-life flaws and benefits of a planned economy.

The main page link was built on the mayor's orders.
