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Playing With / Christmas in July

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Basic Trope: Someone celebrates Christmas at the wrong time.

  • Straight: It's the middle of June, but Alice is decorating a Christmas tree.
  • Exaggerated: A montage or similar reveals that everybody in the world is celebrating Christmas, shops are closing for Christmas, and even Santa Claus is delivering presents, even though it's the middle of June.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is wearing her Santa hat in June but not otherwise acting Christmas-y.
    • Alice is celebrating Christmas at the wrong date, but still in December.
  • Justified:
    • Alice lives in Australia and wants to have a winter Christmas.
    • Alice lives in Canada and wants to have a summer Christmas.
    • Alice is a bit slow or was hypnotized has a weird sort of amnesia, so she got the date wrong.
    • Alice was bored and she's pretty eccentric and likes Christmas a lot, so she decided to liven things up with a random Christmas party.
    • Alice is from another dimension where Christmas really is in June.
    • Alice is an alien without much knowledge of Earth traditions, so she doesn't understand that Christmas is in December.
    • Alice has a terminal illness and is not expected to survive until December, so she decides to celebrate Christmas while she still can, even though the festive season is a few months away.
  • Inverted: It's Christmas, but Alice is acting like it isn't even though she normally celebrates Christmas.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob takes the prank seriously and convinces Charlie that it really is Christmas, so Charlie begins to celebrate Christmas in June for real.
    • In the movie, it's also June.
    • The Fictional Holiday that resembles Christmas is also not generally celebrated in June.
  • Parodied: Alice does a musical number about celebrating Christmas in June.
  • Zigzagged: Bob sees Alice decorating a Christmas tree and informs her that it isn't Christmas. Alice says, "Of course not, silly" but then adds, "It's Christmas Eve!". Bob says, "It's June, Alice" and she replies that another Christmas has been added to the calendar, called New Christmas. At first, Bob thinks Alice is goofing around, but then it turns out that New Christmas really exists.
  • Averted:
    • Christmas is not celebrated.
    • Christmas is only celebrated on December 25th.
  • Enforced: The show is filmed in Australia but set in Canada. The writers want to air a Christmas Episode around Christmas, but find it hard to film winter scenes in the summer, so they decide to have Alice celebrate Christmas in June.
  • Lampshaded: "If you wanted a winter/summer Christmas, Alice, you could've just traveled overseas."
  • Invoked: Dave hypnotizes Alice into believing it's Christmas.
  • Exploited: Dave makes a profit selling Christmas decorations to people who want to celebrate Christmas at the wrong time of year.
  • Defied: "Alice, I am not taking any of that nonsense! Put those Christmas decorations away now and don't take them out again until December."
  • Discussed: "I had the weirdest neighbors, they put their Christmas decorations up in June!"
  • Conversed: "Why was Alice celebrating Christmas early in that episode?"
  • Implied: The month/date is never said, but it appears to be summer and while the show's setting is never revealed, everyone has a Canadian accent.
  • Deconstructed: Christmas becomes boring from being celebrated at the wrong time too many times.
  • Reconstructed: After a few years of no impromptu Christmases, Alice starts to allow them again, but limits it to one impromptu Christmas per person per year, so that Christmas remains interesting.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice is always doing something wacky, celebrating Christmas in June is just another one of her wacky shenanigans.
  • Played for Drama: It's a sign Alice is going insane.

Back to Christmas in July.
