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Basic Trope: Cartoon characters with younger relatives (such as younger siblings, nieces/nephews, and/or younger cousins) instead of actual children.

  • Straight: Bob the Dog and Alice the Cat have a few younger relatives (Bob the Dog has his nieces/nephews Claire, Danny, and Ethan - Alice the Cat has her niece Francine and her little sister Irene), but no actual kids.
  • Exaggerated: None of the cartoon characters are established to have any children whatsoever. Odd, considering who's Bob's sibling/Claire, Danny, and Ethan's parents, and where did any of the cartoon characters come from anyway?
  • Downplayed: Bob the Dog and Alice the Cat have adopted children, but no biological ones.
  • Justified:
    • Bob the Dog and/or Alice the Cat are asexual, or are simply uninterested in having kids for a variety of reasons.
    • Interspecies Romance can happen, but they can't have children together, so Alice and Bob are happy just being in love with each other and taking care of the younger kids sometimes.
    • Alice and Bob are too young to be having kids anyway.
  • Inverted: All of the cartoon characters have children, even the ones that are children.
  • Subverted: It's revealed that Alice and Bob do have kids.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
    • The show constantly introduces new nephews and nieces for Alice and Bob, to the point where you wonder just how many siblings they actually have.
    • Bob the dog's nephew, Bobtholomew, looks just like him, but is actually his cousin thrice removed' sons' daughter's neice's son.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice, Bob, and many of the other cartoon characters have no kids, only younger relatives. However, Gerald the Giraffe is established to have some children.
  • Averted: Alice and Bob have had children from the very beginning, as the cartoon they're in focuses on them and their family.
  • Enforced:
    • Actually giving Bob the Dog and Alice the Cat children would impede on the plot too much, but the writers wanted to introduce some kids that could have their share of funny/cute kid moments.
    • Giving Bob and Alice actual children in a timely manner would leave invokedimplications of rape.
    • People thought that giving a dog and a cat children together would be too weird, or couldn't think of a way that it would work.
  • Lampshaded: "With all the time we spend with our nieces and nephews, it's like we don't even need to have kids!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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