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Playing With / Bring Him to Me

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Basic Trope: The villain has their minions bring them to their lair/hideout.

  • Straight: [[Big Bad]] Julia's evil companions have captured Katherine, and she orders them to bring her to her lair as her prisoner for interrogation.
  • Exaggerated: Julia has multiple heroes caught and she orders them to have them all brought to her secret hideout.
  • Justified: Julia wants to talk to Katherine in private, so she keeps her hidden away
  • Parodied: Julia always makes sure her friends know exactly where to bring the heroes they capture.
  • Enforced: "The villain needs to be able to privately interrogate the hero, so she has to have her brought to her lair as a prisoner."
  • Lampshaded: "We always bring our newly-caught captives to her lair because she always needs to interrogate her
  • Invoked: Katherine needs to know what Julia is planning, so she tries to get herself captured.
  • Discussed: Oh no, Katherine has been caught. Julia's going to keep her as a prisoner in her lair.
  • Conversed: "What do you expect? The villain always wants the hero brought to her for questioning."
  • Played for Laughs: Katherine starts dissing the way Julia's lair smells and saying she couldn't spend one minute with such a horrid smell.
