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Playing With / Big Eater

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Basic Trope: A character that eats enough to feed a whole football team.

  • Straight: For one meal, Alice eats plates of food that are put in front of her.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice eats the amount of food the average person gets in a month.... and that's just her first meal.
    • Alice eats all the food in the city, and she's still hungry!
    • Alice eats the entire planet.
    • If Alice isn’t sleeping, she’s eating.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice never misses meals, and always orders the largest things on the menu.
    • Alice eats a ton once or twice but doesn't regularly overeat.
    • Alice eats portions slightly larger than most of the other characters eat, but not too much.
  • Justified:
    • Alice needs to eat a lot of food to fulfill her Required Secondary Powers.
    • Alice is obese.
    • Alice doesn’t do it because she’s hungry; she’s just stress eating.
    • Alice is an athlete who needs all the calories she can eat.
    • Alice has a case of the munchies.
    • Alice is a magic-user, or has Ki Manipulation, or Psychic Powers which require her to take in extra calories.
    • Alice is a giant living amongst humans, her size requires a lot of food.
    • Alice is pregnant.
    • Alice used to hate eating and is now eating tons of calories to try to resume a normal body shape.
    • Alice is a Kid Hero in the middle of a growth spurt.
    • Alice was originally a soul who floats around Earth and was only recently got a body, so she never knew what food tasted like before.
    • Alice is an anthropomorphic animal whose species is known for eating a lot, such as a pig.
    • After a childhood of famine induced malnutrition, Alice is simply incapable of telling when she feels satiated.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice hates eating.
    • Alice eats barely enough to stay alive.
    • Alice regularly Forgets to Eat.
    • Alice is a Big Drinker and likes to drink more than the average human.
    • Alice is a Small Eater and rarely eats.
  • Subverted: Alice is shown eating pounds and pounds of food. When asked why she ate so much, it was because she was starving for many days.
  • Double Subverted: ... Until Alice is shown eating that amount the next day.
  • Parodied:
    • A bad guy tries to use ironic torture, feeding Alice a literal mountain of food. The scene changes and returns five minutes later to show Alice, happily wiping crumbs off, next to the space where the mountain used to be.
    • Alice eats at a restaurant and the camera cuts to the inside of the kitchen showing the chefs struggling to keep up with Alice's excessive orders or running out of ingredients and rushing to get more.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Alice eats heavily one meal, then eats very little the next. Then she eats all the food in a restaurant. Then she doesn't eat at all.
    • Alice often skips meals so when she does remember she eats large meals to make up.
  • Averted: Alice eats the amount of an average woman her age.
  • Enforced: The show has a Product Placement deal with a fast food chain.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow Alice, haven't you noticed that you're eating a bit too much?"
  • Invoked: "Hmm, if we disguise the vegetables as pizza and junk food, Alice will actually eat something healthy!"
  • Exploited: Alice's enemy poisons the supply of Alice's Trademark Favorite Food, confident in the knowledge that she will be the one to eat it.
  • Defied:
    • Alice is given the choice to either eat a plate or food, or a whole table of food. She choses the plate.
    • "Of course I won't eat that much food! What do I look like?!"
    • Someone (Alice's family, friends or Bob the Sitcom Arch-Nemesis) makes a wish for Alice's hunger to remain small no matter what the heck happens to her.
  • Discussed: "Have you noticed that Alice eats more than a normal person would per day?"
  • Conversed: "The food buget for this series must be enormous. Look at how much the actress playing Alice is packing away, and the other heroes aren't far behind!"
  • Implied:
    • Alice was left in a room with a huge table of food, when they came back, it was gone.
    • Alice goes to a restaurant. The waiter asks her if she'd like her usual, or if she only wants half the items on the menu.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's eating causes a localized food shortage, and therefore famine. The possibility also exists that the populace will decide to deal with Alice through the judicious application of Torches and Pitchforks.
    • Her eating has serious health repercussions later down the road such as obesity and high cholesterol.
    • Alice is lonely, and eats a lot to fill the void in her life.
    • Alice consumes a inhumanly large amount of food at once and gets sick because her stomach can't hold that much food.
    • Alice has Prader-Willi Syndrome, which is a condition where the hypothalamus, which controls appetite, malfunctions, making the one who has it feel like they're starving no matter how much or often they eat.
    • Alice's hunger is a blight upon her finances (and everybody else's. Which probably leads to stress, and then stress eating.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alice is a world-famous eating contest champion, and practices every day by consuming large amounts of food to expand her stomach, and drinking loads of water and exercising a lot to burn all the extra calories away.
    • Alice does her best to resist eating too much.
    • Alternatively, Alice finds a food known for being extremely filling, and eats mostly this.
    • Alice has an incredibly fast metabolism, and can eat quite a bit without gaining weight.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice casually goes to a restaurant and orders ridiculous amounts of food. The other guests all stare in astonishment, but the waiters simply make "Oh, not again" expressions.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice is bulimic or has Binge Eating disorder.
    • One of Alice's friend's meals is poisoned. Alice doesn't stop at her own meal, and eats her friend's poisoned meal, inadvertently saving him (whether or not she ends up being hurt by the poison really depends on the writer).
    • Alice's over eating is caused by serious emotional problems.
    • Everybody's finances are hitting rock bottom from all the money spent in buying Alice food, and they are on the verge of additional bad things happening to them like being kicked out of their homes. Cue the screaming of "my money does not grow on trees, lady!"
  • Played For Horror:
    • Alice is a cannibal or man-eating monster that eats a lot.
    • Alice has been cursed to have an unquenchable hunger and she will keep eating until her body gives out from all the fat, calories and sugars she is putting into it.
    • Alice has been cursed to lose weight at an accelerated rate a la Thinner and she is trying to fight the effects with little or no result.
    • Alice eating a tremendous amount of food is a sign she has Horror Hunger - she is trying her damnedest to satisfy her need to eat/drink without resorting to tearing people apart, and she will not succeed.
  • Untwisted:
    • Alice's plate is no bigger than her friends, except she just ate a big meal, and she continues to eat afterwards.
    • Alice a portions are the smallest of her group, only for her to start chowing down once she feels her friends have eaten their fill.

Stop eating and go back to Big Eater for your second course.
