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Pantheon / GUAL Insurgency Suppressors

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While other groups within the GUAL are known for fighting crime and conflict, this group is renowned for ending it. Due to the terrifying and harsh extent this subdivision can go when it comes to stomping out crooks and disruptions, the members of this group are not viewed brightly upon by other Alliances, and not called into action too often, and in a more idealistic and reserved Pantheon, wouldn't be needed in the first place. However, the Pantheon is unpredictable and sometimes a few deities can create disruptive activity too intense for normal security to cut through, and such extreme circumstances are met by extreme measures. In this case, they are the extreme measures that are sent to put down rebellions, inciters, and other dangerous movements that seriously threaten the peace. Other members of the GUAL tend to have conflicting views on this group, with some viewing the group's presence as necessary if not helpful to the GUAL's cause, and others seeing the group as a dangerous weapon that could cause more damage in the long run if not restricted correctly.

Nerose Satanael, God of Inducing Happiness Over Free Will

  • Symbol: The Tower of Babel surrounded by a pair of Angelic Wings
  • Alignment: Lawful Good in intention, Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral in execution
  • Role as Insurgency Suppressor: As one of YHVH's direct allies, Nerose has been demoted from his former position of high leadership into a more niche role fit for a more peaceful pantheon. However, not only is he an intelligent scientist who figured out how to warp reality through Equations and Quintessece, he can warp reality on a multiversal scale due to being a Hadou God. If a being like a Hajun or The Crimson King wants to warp the Pantheon towards chaos or destroy it entirely, they'll have to get through him first.
  • Cooperation Ability: Despite being a close ally of YHVH, Eliphas managed to convince Nerose to take a back seat for the time being and let the new direction of the GUAL work through order. Surprisingly, Nerose was happy to oblige: while he is still prideful and wishes to become the highest god there is to spread his law and create a perfect world, his defeat by Mercurius has led him to possibly reconsider his views and methods, if only out of pragmatism. When it comes to the modern GUAL, he is willing to work with others but isn't one to serve as equals with others on a team for long amounts of time.
