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One True Threesome / Marvel Universe

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Marvel Universe

  • The Avengers: On rarer occasions Tony Stark (Iron Man) / Steve Rogers (Captain America) /Thor or Tony/Steve/Pepper Potts or the "Cold Irony" ship (Tony/Steve/Tony's Sentient Armor, because Iron + Tony = "Irony" and Steve was frozen). Or just really Tony/Steve/? (there have been Spider-Man, War Machine or Jan Van Dyne in the "?" place).
  • Iron Fist:
    • Danny Rand/Misty Knight/Luke Cage are very close too each other. Danny/Misty is canon, and when Luke had a baby, he named her after Daniel. Aww.
    • Danny Rand/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage seems to be pretty popular as well.
    • Some people have all four together, Sometimes with Colleen Wing coming for a visit.
  • Runaways: Some fans like Nico/Karolina/Xavin. The possibility was even brought up in the comic, when Xavin impersonated Nico and tried to seduce Karolina, but Karolina was too weirded out for anything to come of it.
  • Spider-Man: Spidey/Mary Jane/Black Cat or Gwen (The first one tend to be more popular). Sometime, it's a foursome. Weirdly enough, Ultimate Spider-Man implies that Gwen was trying to initiate Peter/MJ/Gwen, since in a line she mentions that she crushes more on her close friend MJ than on Peter.
  • X-Men:
  • Young Avengers: In the fandom, Patriot/Hawkeye/Speed turns up with some regularity.
