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Nightmare Fuel / Willy's Wonderland

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If you thought Ozzy Ostrich was horrifying enough, keep in mind that he's only the first one.
  • The opening scene of the film, with a couple hunted down and slaughtered by the animatronics. Even more so when you realize they're Liv's parents, and she watched her mother die.
  • The animatronics, especially Willy, very subtly staring at and stalking the Janitor as he cleans the main party room.
  • Ozzie Ostrich's attack on the Janitor, especially with his long neck and his attacks reminiscent of the larval Klowns from Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
    Ozzie Ostrich: I'm gonna FEAST ON YOUR FACE!
  • Siren Sara is extremely creepy in general, particularly due to the fact that she's the most human-looking out of all the animatronics and moves around with a level of grace and fluidity that should not be possible for an robot. Not helping at all are the sharp metallic teeth and Glasgow Grin she shows when on the attack.
  • Arty Alligator is no slouch either; be it aggressively chasing Liv through the vents or eerily glaring at Bob and Kathy in the Super Happy Fun Room before charging in for the kill.
  • As stupid as the teenagers are, it doesn't make their demises any less horrific:
    • Aaron. Knighty Knight impales him from behind with his sword, almost out of NOWHERE, immediately after 'Six Little Chickens'.
    • Katy and Bob. Arty, after staring at them while they were almost boning, runs towards them at alarming speed, chomps down on them, and tears into them like a dog would to a steak (possibly to save what innocence the Super Happy Fun Room had left).
    • Dan. Being eaten alive by Sara and Tito while trapped in a foam pit is a horrible way to go.
    • Chris. Cammy lures him out with her manipulative tactics — pretending to be the Token Good Teammate of the animatronics to let his guard down — and then snaps his neck with her tongue, right in front of Liv.
      Cammy Chameleon: Wanna play, BITCH?!
  • The humans assisting the animatronics don't get it much better:
    • Sheriff Lund. Though she certainly deserved it, being gruesomely sliced in half by Willy in one stroke shows how powerful the latter is before he takes on the Janitor.
    • Tex and Jed. Just as they're about to drive off, thinking they're in the clear, Siren Sara blows their car sky-high with spilled fuel and the lighter Tex disposed of at the beginning of the movie.
      Siren Sara: Thanks for visiting Willy's Wonderland! Hope you had a fantabulous time! (the car violently explodes)
    • Evan, albeit incidentally and under Lund's orders. Tito somehow sneaks on top of his police car as he drove Liv away, and right when he's about to turn back at Liv's request, the turtle strangles him through the window Halloween (1978) style. Tito then throws the cop to the ground and kills him without much bother.
  • The flashbacks to the murders that occurred in the establishment, pre and post-human Jerry Robert Willis' reign.
    • Most notably the family that Willis kills himself in the Willy Weasel costume. The boy getting sliced is bad enough, but the younger sister is snatched immediately after, and we ultimately don't see what happens to the parents.
    • The customers attacked by the animatronics during Tex's first reopening. Though it's debatable whether they actually got killed, two highlights are the girl strangled by Gus Gorilla and the boy chomped in the shoulder by Willy Weasel.
    • The previous people tricked into the janitorial work. One guy gets beheaded by Knighty Knight, and a couple gets Cammy's tongue around their throats, presumably strangled to death.
      • In conjunction with this sequence, the reason the town decided to make a deal with the animatronics: When the town's first reaction was to demolish the place, the animatronics retaliated. They killed the guy who was going to demolish the building first, and then they started a hunting spree around the town, even in the schools. Horrible as their solution was (and Lund's action to enforce it), one cannot blame the town to be terrified and desperate for a way out.
      Lund: We had a real Hobson's choice on our hands. You know what that is?
      Evan: No...
      Lund: No choice at all.
  • Émoi's soundtrack and score, from the instrumental tunes to any of the songs sung by Willy and company. Two stand-outs are 'Six Little Chickens' and the Dark Reprise of the 'birthday song'. Émoi really understands how nightmarish a good blend of cheerful and creepy can be.
  • Willy VS The Janitor, round 1, set to a slowed down, distorted version of Willy's birthday song. It's the one time the Janitor loses, and it is nerve-wracking.
