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Nightmarefuel / The Metabarons

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A dark, gritty space opera written by none other than Alejandro Jodorowsky is guaranteed to be soaked to the bio-marrow with paleo-nightmare fuel.

Moments pages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Metabarons themselves. Warriors without peer that ritually dismember and cybernetically enhance themselves, with a long history of triumph, pain, loss, betrayal and Parental Neglect.
  • According to Metabaron: Universe Guide, our planet Earth aka Terra Prima was wiped out during the Sixth World War and gave us enough proof that is why Terra Prima was abandoned by Mankind after the terrible war. And it's depressingly that Terra Prima is now ridden with hazardous environmental with zero lifeforms. The description said this:
    After the flora and fauna’s wild species became extinct, human life itself became impossible on this planet. Today, Terra Prima is nothing but a field of poisoned ruins, bathed in a radioactive atmosphere.
  • The Shabda-Oud are an all-female priesthood that plots to rule the known universe by breeding into existence a flawless hermaphrodite. And they are not above using murder, intrigue and even rape to produce their vision of the Emperoress.
    • Their ultimate Moral Event Horizon was their kidnapping of Honorata, who they tried to impregnate using the seed of their hulking mutant deity, Jejoh. Thankfully, Aghnar blows his cover in the nick of time to blow the slobbering beast apart from the inside out by feeding it his bomb-implanted arm.
  • Steelhead. Just Steelhead. An Implacable Man with a cybernetic head that has no qualms against killing innocent people, wiping out entire species or destroying irreplaceable fonts of knowledge to get what he wants. Nothing about him is gentle or subtle until he replaces his head with that of Melmoth, the last living poet in the galaxy.
    • The reason for his cybernetic head in the first place is because his head was vaporized by a stray blast as an infant, then kept on life support by Tonto until he reached maturity. And you get to see it all in full color.
  • While not as blatant or ham-fisted as the rest of the saga's horrors, Tonto's unrelenting verbal abuse of Lothar is very upsetting. It may even count as a rare example of robotic domestic abuse.
  • When the time comes to save the day through brute force, Melmoth is Driven to Suicide by the very idea of having no choice but to perpetuate the galaxy's cycle of violence, blasting his brains out and allowing Steelhead's personality to take over. Steelhead, being a cyborg, goes to war despite having everything from the neck up being reduced to paste.
  • The infamous panel revealing the Brobdingnagian's organic ship. To make matters worse, it's revealed that it is the descendant of lice from our world and still feeds on human blood. Worse, Queen Diophante convinces Steelhead to defeat No-Name so that they can destroy an entire universe to sastify her hunger.
    Queen Diophante: This noble insect started it's sacred evolution feeding of the blood of human beings which tried to exterminate him. To survive, our ancestor learned to feed off plants, stones, gamma rays. Slowly, wisely, patiently she evolved into the cosmic supra-lice of whom, I, Diophante, am the soul-queen.
