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Nightmare Fuel / The Hunt for the Gangadiddle

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As is typical with subverted kids' shows, Poochee and Pansy, the cartoon made for the ARG, has plenty of frights to go around. Albeit, it relies a bit too much on frights.

  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You, as someone is trying to find us. This is revealed in episode 3, where the words "Trying to reach you" come on screen. This is confirmed in episode 5, where we see "FIND YOU" written in the snow. It's a mystery how much of this is trying to find the Gangadiddle, and how much is trying to reach you.
  • The very first screamer of the series happens when Freddy the Firefly is talking to Poochee and Pansy, where a decomposed skull appears out of nowhere. It appears to be looking at you.
  • In episode 3, Poochee lets the witch take his eyes out in order to save Pansy, and after a couple random clips, we're shown a disturbing-looking mannequin that might be crying, and it has its eyes bulging out, possibly relating to what's happening to Poochee.
    • The remastered version doesn't have the clips. Instead, we actually see Poochee's eye being slowly pulled out by the witch whilst he cries out in pain.
  • In episode 4, Poochee explains to the audience that what we see on TV is fake, and what we see when we walk outside is what's real. But it takes a turn for the worst when the video starts glitching out. Poochee and Pansy start to look untamed and violent, while the witch starts to look like the Hunt Master.
  • The Hunt Master, while he (presumably) doesn't mean harm, is still pretty unnerving, due to his expressionless mask and uncanny movements.
  • Also in episode 4, we see what happened to Poochee after he got his eyes taken out; his eyes are completely blacked out with Tears of Blood, with a look of total pain on his face.
    • In episode 5, it's revealed Poochee stole the witch's eye to make up for his loss of eyes. We get to see the aftermath of that, too

