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Nightmare Fuel / Scooby-Doo: Camp Scare

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  • The second fishman attack. Daphne gives up her oxygen tank to save Fred, and just as they are about to swim to safety the fishman grabs Daphne and she starts screaming.
  • The way the spectre shrieks. It doesn't help how the Specter has a mouthful of sharp teeth that each look longer than a hand.
  • The Woodsman's laugh whenever he's about to throw an axe, and the build-up to his first appearance.
  • As Jessica runs away from the Woodsman, a closeup of a sign reveals that she is running up to Dead Man's Drop, the same steep and terrifying location where, in Burt's campfire story, the Woodsman became disfigured and unhinged after falling off.
  • A triumphant Friendship Moment takes a terrifying turn when the heroes realize that the villains are about to dynamite the dam while they are right below it, and seconds later, they hear the explosion.
