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Nightmare Fuel / Rex the Runt

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The more overly bizarre moments on the show, especially the dream sequences and freak out scenes, often fall into this trope.

  • The Johnny Saveloy episode, where a century-old TV personality/cult leader who happens to be a talking sausage preserves his vitality by stealing the souls of other celebrities, is incredibly dark compared to the rest of the series.
  • Ident, the eponymous character's debut (Or at least a very strange version of himself). The human-like creatures look really grotesque than the pixilated humans in the series proper, with their Demitri-esque rotten teeth (In the main character's case, anyway) and phallic appearance, and he fires arrows out of his mouth early on in the film.
  • The episode "Carbonara" has Rex getting ground up into living, breathing spaghetti and being hunted by Vince, although it's Played for Laughs because the show acknowledges the fact that everyone is made of plasticene.
