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Nightmare Fuel / Princess Silver

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  • Rong Le learns that Rong Qi, who she thought she could trust, will force her to marry Fu Chou because it suits his plans. When she tries to escape the city she finds him waiting to catch her. And when she tries to run away, he has his soldiers threaten to kill her friend Long Yue.
  • The second flashback to Consort Yun's death, which shows how she really died. The emperor hallucinates that she's an enemy and attacks her with a knife. Then he strangles her. Wu You — who was only a child at the time — witnesses it all.
  • Fu Chou's torture. He's lifted into the air by metal claws digging into his body. The worst part? He puts himself through that, every year, so he won't waver in his revenge plans.
