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Nightmare Fuel / Kevin Can F**k Himself

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Kevin Can F**k Himself is full of pretty disturbing imagery in its aim of deconstructing the typical sitcom.

  • The distorted canned laughter that accompanies the title card can sometimes get downright unnerving.
  • There's something unsettling about how Kevin causes a Genre Shift every time he walks into a room, making bright colors and laugh tracks replace the muted, realistic feel of the show proper. It's like he's some kind of Reality Warper, turning everyone into his puppets just by existing.
  • Allison's first Imagine Spot of killing Kevin is rather sudden and jarring, as she sees herself spin around and repeatedly stab him with a broken beer stein handle before coming back to reality.
  • The last moments of "Fixed". Neil confronts Allison in the kitchen after overhearing her and Patty's conversation about the murder plot. His demeanor becomes more subdued and serious than anything we've seen from him before, and he takes his phone out to tell Kevin. As Allison is trying to grab it from him, he slams her onto the counter and starts to throttle her, forcing Patty to whack him over the head with a beer bottle. All of this happens while the show is still in the "sitcom" reality, making for a seriously unsettling bit of Mood Dissonance.
    • This is followed up in Season 2, where Neil is forced to reckon with Kevin's abusive behavior, and it Does Not Compute. This causes Neil to perpetually be teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown, which exacerbates his alcoholism and causes him to become violent.
  • Following Nick being put into a coma, Allison starts being haunted by hallucinations of him.
  • Diane tries to escape her abusive husband, Chuck, by fleeing to North Carolina, but Chuck tracks her down and "reminded her what she was missing". Yes, Diane is basically living the plot of Sleeping with the Enemy, and Kevin laughs at her for it.
  • Kevin takes offense when he’s supplanted as the local celebrity by a horse, so he gets the reporter who wrote the Op-Ed fired and places the decapitated head of a horse plush and a bunch of fake blood on her broken windshield. This is a reminder about how even being in Kevin's orbit can bring someone's whole world crashing down without warning.
  • There's something bizarrely unsettling about Pete finally drawing the line with his son, with him haltingly and uncertainly finding the words for "we're offended and we think you should apologize". It's as if it's something he's literally never asked Kevin to do before and he doesn't know how to. It's played for laughs in the sitcom, but in the real world, it's a surprisingly chilling sign of just how much Kevin gets away with things.
  • In the Grand Finale, we finally get to see Kevin without the sitcom filter and it's not pretty. When Allison tells him she hasn't loved him in years and wants to divorce him, the playful goofball mask drops completely and he becomes aggressive, controlling, and downright violent, starting out with his usual attempts at gaslighting and manipulation before lunging at Allison and telling her he'll "fucking destroy [her]", even punching the wall behind Allison to intimidate her. The next scene is set to sinister music, with him calling up every one of his former acquaintances and giving them increasingly angry and hateful verbally abusive voicemails before literally burning down his house in a drunken, incoherent (and, ultimately, fatal) act of rage.
