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Nightmare Fuel / Back to the Future: The Musical

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  • Doc’s death by radiation poisoning. At this point in the play, the story has remained almost perfectly faithful to the original film, so the audience will probably assume Doc will be shot by terrorists. He’s not. After opening the crate of plutonium, the trousers on his radiation suit split open with a loud ripping noise (which could easily be mistaken as a gag due to the ludicrously patterned briefs underneath), but he doesn’t start dying until after he’s already set up the DeLorean. Marty mentions that his hand is going green, and as he opens the suit, he discovers that his bones are glowing. The actor really sells the pain and suffering that Doc is in.
    Marty: (sounding desperate) Doc, you gotta let me help you! Doc, you're dying! I'll go to the hospital! I'll get an ambulance!
    Doc: [writhing in agony] County hospital's two miles away!
    Marty: I'll drive like the wind, Doc!
    Doc: [dying] But don't drive 88! [in greater pain] Don't drive 88! Whatever you do, don't drive... 88!
  • As "Earth Angel" plays, Marty starts to fade from existence. His actor does not actually fade, but the flickering spotlight focusing on him gives the same effect as Marty starts writhing in exhaustion and pain, falling to the ground as his existence slowly runs out.
