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Nightmare Fuel / Arkham Patient Sessions

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Killer Croc

  • Killer Croc is a known cannibal, who admits he doesn't want to kill people but just has urges. At the end of the episode, he starts to get another one and warns a very scared Jeremiah to run away.

Mr. Zsasz

  • Zsasz is creepy enough on his own with a growly voice and obsession with "freeing" people from their pointless lives. And then he reveals he has a knife and sticks it near Jeremiah's neck for the rest of the video as he rambles on. The only reason Jeremiah lives is that Zsasz doesn't think he deserves his "help".

Jane Doe

  • When Dr. Arkham tries to look past her personas, she angrily tells him to give up, while talking in a threatening tone. A major difference from her other impressions.

Doctor Death

  • The episode ends with Doctor Death freeing all the inmates, and Scarecrow finding an unconscious Jeremiah.

Scarecrow #2

Scarecrow #3
