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Nausea Fuel / Codename: Kids Next Door

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Codename: Kids Next Door

Nausea Fuel in this series.
  • Any episode where the children's teeth are emphasized on-screen, especially Knightbrace's first episode, "Operation: T.E.E.T.H.". Normally everyone has pearly white-teeth or at least slightly yellowed, but the instant the camera focuses in on them, you get a Gross-Up Close-Up that show all sorts of gunk and decay in there, only dampened by the lack of further excess detail.
  • One episode where "chicken pox" takes the form of literal squirming chicken heads sticking out of one's skin.
    • Plus, when the chickens themselves are in low quality, they look like writhing maggots in the kid's flesh.
  • A villain named the Common Cold attacks by siphoning mucus out of his nose. Especially lovely when he starts to ready a really big attack. Probably why he was Demoted to Extra after his first 2 appearances.
  • In "Operation: P.I.N.K.E.Y.E.", being hit with a water balloon filled with pinkeye mucus would cause crusty red stuff to grow all over you. The episode's villain turns out to be using this crusty stuff as the crumbs in crumb cake. It gets even worse at the end of the episode: "So if the pinkeye was the crust, then what was the filling?" (achoo!) Even worse? In two later episodes, Numbuh Two still eats the stuff and he comments about it as well!
  • "Operation: V.I.R.U.S.", where there is a close-up of Cree's gigantic and disgusting pimple. No wonder she was freaking out about it.
  • A few of The Movie's Senior Citizombies have sagging boobs. This included the citizombified versions of Numbuh Three and Five.
  • At the end of "Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.R.E.E., after the KND defeat the Delightful Children's Giant Birthday Present Robot with the help of an army of Chicks, Numbuh 1 is about to take the cake from the Delightful Children when the Chicks defecate all over it (off-screen, of course). Numbuh 1 then convinces the Delightful Children to eat the cake, which they do. It also counts as an in-universe example, as several children are grossed out from watching the Delightful Children eat the soiled cake on their television sets.
  • Awesome music aside, "Operation F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E" grossed some people out, especially the giant slam-witch monster.
  • At the beginning of Operation P.A.R.T.Y., Sector V (minus Numbuh 5) is looking over items that were taken from Cree's room. Numbuh 4 asks about a tube of pink stuff, and Numbuh 1 says that they think it's "some kind of unmeltable ice cream treat." Numbuh 4 then licks it, comments that the flavor is good.... and then Numbuh 5 smacks him with her hat and shouts, "THAT'S DEODORANT, FOOL!" One can't help but wonder whether or not it was actually used prior to being stolen. (Shudders)
  • In "Operation: N.O. P.O.W.U.H," Sector V is force-fed all of Gramma Stuffum's disgusting food.
