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Literature / Upon a Cross of Globalism

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"Upon A Cross Of Globalism" is an Alternate History work written by Reagent, a member of and It can be read here or here.The point of divergence is that James Comey never goes public with the reopening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and as a result she narrowly wins the 2016 election. The establishment temporarily regains control of the Republican Party and Paul Ryan is nominated in 2020....only to lose to Clinton as well.

This sets the scene for right-wing journalist Tucker Carlson to run for the Republican nomination for President in 2024 on a hard-line nativist & protectionist platform. His subsequent victory in the primary and general election gives him power to implement his policies, as Congress passes "reforms" to the American election system.

  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite being a hardline conservative whose policies as president started the slow death of American democracy, Tucker Carlson is still horrified by Eddie Gallagher's dictatorship.
  • Hope Spot: After sixteen years of reactionary Republican rule, the Democrats are able to win the 2040 presidential election with Carlos Ramirez-Rosa. Unfortunately, the Republicans maintain control over both houses of Congress, and they are able to obstruct Ramirez-Rosa's agenda until finally overthrowing him in a coup in 2044.
  • Oppressive States of America: The timeline centers around America gradually becoming this under the Carlson, Hawley, and especially Gallagher administrations.
  • President Evil: President Gallagher, who seizes power in a military coup, implements oppressive social and economic policies, and ruthlessly crushes any dissent.
