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Literature / Tethralin

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Tethralin is a game. Not the kind of game that you play on a TV or computer monitor, but rather one where the company who runs it sends your soul into another world. There are issues that come with this, of course. The fact that people who lose all of their lives in the game enter a coma being one of them. The story follows Zeryn Felix, a man on his last life with nothing left to lose as he makes the crazy decision to ratchet his difficulty level all the way up to hardcore. He soon realizes that the game on hardcore is very different from the one he experienced before.

This novel is on Royal Road, and is on hiatus until further notice. It can be found here.

[Tethralin] contains examples of:

  • Elemental Weapon: Zeryn starts out with a shield that absorbs damage and releases it as a fiery doom blast. He later picks up a sword that does bonus fire damage.
  • Our Goblins Are Different: The goblins are a lot more civil than they seem.
  • Random Number God: While riding the desperation high that comes with “nothing left to lose” situations, Zeryn dumped all of his starting points into luck. Little did he know that on hardcore difficulty, you only get one chance to allocate your points. A couple misunderstandings later, he was dumped onto the first floor with a class, Miraculum, that has no proficiency in weapons and one ability: “Spin!” which spins a meta wheel of fortune and gives him anything from high-end gear and abilities from any class, to some really nasty curses. It’s later revealed that the class has a latent ability which allows him to create miracles, but it’s completely dependent on luck. A one in a million chance, if you will. It first happens during a fight with a fire demon that was threatening to curb stomp him.
  • RPG Mechanics 'Verse: Tethralin is a game, and thus runs on RPG mechanics.
  • Victor Gains Loser's Powers: The first ability that Zeryn gained was Assimilation which allows him to learn abilities from the enemies he kills. There are some he has a chance to learn instantaneously and others where he has to kill a certain number in order to unlock it.
