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Heartwarming / The Mortuary Assistant

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  • Rebecca's grandmother is clearly very loving and supportive of her granddaughter, having raised her after her parents died, and understandably has her reservations over her working in a mortuary of all things. It makes it much more infuriating when the demon uses her face to try and torment Rebecca.
  • Rebecca's ten-year sobriety coin, which she keeps next to her father's five-year coin. Especially considering Rebecca's former addiction was heroin, which is very hard to break.
  • Rebecca's dad, at least, the real version that isn't trying to break her will. In the ending where she meets him, he comforts her and tells her that he forgives her for what happened and she can do good in the world by banishing the demons. He's proud that she confronted her past.
    Dad: Reliving that moment will only bring you pain. You can do good here, bring comfort to the living, and let the dead rest.
    • Triggering this ending can be done one of two ways, depending on which delusion happens. When confronted with her hanging corpse in the hallway, Rebecca can put her and her father's sobriety coins in the hands. But even more heartwarming is if the demon replaces the embalmed corpse with her father's. She puts her grandmother's necklace around his neck, his hands clasp it, and then the vision ends.
