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Heartwarming / Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

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  • Spooky and her father in a nutshell, the two seemingly had a close bond with them seen holding hands by their front door during Spooky's backstory in one of the Arcade Machines and the person in the ghost costume in the same story was most likely her father trying to cheer her up when she wasn't able to scare anyone. It also doubles as a huge Tear Jerker once you realize that he was the one who killed her, albeit completely accidentally as she lit fireworks near him and that reminded him of his war days, causing his PTSD to take him over. He even blames himself for her death which shows that he did care about her and didn't want to harm his daughter or anyone else.
  • Specimen 8's reason for trying to kill the Protagonist can be seen as this, if it did genuinely care about its deer and not just saw them as its servants or pawns.
  • The White Cat, one of the few denizens/residents of the Mansion who doesn't make any attempt to kill the player at all and actually tries to help them get ready to face Specimen 7 by giving them helpful advice when it comes to the mind.
  • Specimen 6 loved his puppets very much and considered them his family with him even dying just to try and save them from the water. He is also implied to have a sort of twisted love for the puppets that were once children he kidnapped and murdered.
  • The Protagonist's doll in Spooky's Dollhouse could be seen as this as she even smiles at them at some points with the player carrying her with them wherever they go. It's strange given the theory that it was the doll that held Spooky's soul and given Spooky's true nature and intentions but still, one can't think it's not a bit cute in the slightest.
  • Unknown Specimen 4/Tirsiak's behavior can also be seen as her defending her pets similar to Specimen 8. With her showing up and getting more and more angry each time the Protagonist kills her shadow animals with their axe.
