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Heartwarming / Pit Bulls and Parolees

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  • The whole premise of the show is heartwarming when you really get down to it: Tia's ranch and program not only helps to rehabilitate people so they don't have to resort to a life of crime once they're finally out of prison, but it also helps to rehabilitate pitbulls (who, in some cases, have come from situations you really don't want to think about) and make sure they find good homes.
  • During the fire that put Villalobos at risk there were multiple moments amidst the chaos, including finding out that the ones fighting the blaze were inmates. One took the time to tell Tia that they really enjoyed her show and would do whatever they could to keep them safe, and Tia remarked that orange had never looked so good.
  • From the same episode, they go up to the property Tia wants to buy, and later hear the surrounding area has been devastated by another wildfire. As they go up the mountain they're expecting the worst, but when they reach the top they see that it's perfectly intact, and they were pretty much the only area that was left untouched by the blaze and declare that it has to be a sign.
    • Later, Tia gets an anonymous donation to cover the expense of buying the new property. And we do mean the entire expense, which is implied to be several hundred thousand dollars.
  • Villalobos' reception in New Orleans was incredibly heartwarming. After their grand opening they had 100 pending adoptions, and the whole neighborhood wanted to know how they could help. The dogs also finally have an indoor kennel.
  • Roxy, one of the pitbulls, gets reunited with her owner. Tia is worried Roxy won't remember her; she does.
    • Doubling heartwarming when you include the owner's own story of personal redemption to get back to being able to have Roxy back in her life.
  • After a family's house burnt down, they could not keep their dog in the hotel and asked if Villalobos would house him until she could take him back. Tia not only agreed, but gave donations of necessities like clothes for the boys, who were around her own sons' age.
