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Heartwarming / Love Live! Superstar!!

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     Love Live! Superstar!! Season 1 
  • Episode 1:
    • Despite feeling dejected at failing the music course entrance exam, Kanon still breaks into song the moment she's alone. It says something about just how much she loves singing, even when she tries to deny it.
    • At the end of the episode, Keke tries again to invite Kanon to become school idols with her, not wanting to see her give up on something she loves and promising to support her until she is able to sing. It's true to her own belief in a school idol's determination... and her earnestness gets through, as Kanon finally stops trying to convince herself that she can give up singing.
  • Episode 3:
    • Keke comforting Kanon after she confesses her fears that her inability to sing is holding Keke back from her dreams. She responds with a hug, telling Kanon not to speak badly of herself, and that being on stage with her is one of her dreams now.
    • Which leads into the performance itself, with Chisato bringing out the light sticks just in time to save them from panicking, and the crowd's support and Keke's presence finally allowing Kanon to break free of her stage fright.
  • Episode 6:
    • As Chisato is feeling anxious about her dance competition, Kanon comes running out of nowhere, having sensed her worries over the phone and come all the way back from Kozushima to Tokyo just to cheer her up.
  • Episode 8:
    • The resolution of Ren's arc, with her finally finding out how much her mother loved the school and music and the bonds they create, the students bridging the gap between the two programs, and all capped off by Liella!'s first performance as a full group.
  • Episode 10:
    • After Sumire's breakdown, Keke being the one to change her mind and get her to stay as the center because she really is worthy of it, and finally calling her by her name.
  • Episode 11:
    • We see just how much Chisato has always been watching over Kanon when it's her who notices the latter hasn't really gotten over her fears yet, and arranges to have her sing alone to finally overcome that hurdle. In doing so, we also get a little reminder that those who encourage others can also need a little encouragement themselves.
  • Episode 12:
    • For the Tokyo regionals, the other students at Yuigaoka all getting together to create the best stage for Liella!'s performance, and leading them there in a nice Call-Back to µ's and "Snow Halation." And even as they lose to Sunny Passion this time, the experience finally gives them the reason and resolve they needed to want to win Love Live!

     Love Live! Superstar!! Season 2 
  • Episode 2:
    • With some encouragement from Mei, Kinako is able to tell the second-years to return to their old training regimen and not compromise for her sake, even though she's having a really hard time keeping up. In the end, it's the Liella! that's striving their hardest to win Love Live! that she admires and wanted to join.
  • Episode 3:
    • When they're feeling down after not having won the Yoyogi Festival again, the other students come up to cheer Liella! on, reassuring them that they'll always be an inspiration for everyone at Yuigaoka.
  • Episode 4:
    • Mei and Shiki's relationship gets spotlighted in this episode, with them both wanting the best for each other but too awkward to properly get their feelings across, until the end.
  • Episode 9:
    • In the face of the first-years accepting to step down from the competition for her, Sumire's villain act totally breaks down, because she does genuinely want to share their victory with all of them too. And once Keke arrives as well, the dams just burst, and everything is finally out in the open.

  • Due to starting activities in 2021, Liella! had always operated in pandemic conditions, with their first event being remote with no audience. Though they've made the best of it in some ways, such as singing one of their songs in the audience seats, there was always something missing. The Saitama finals of their third concert tour in 2023 would be their first fully-unrestricted performance after Japan lifted its shouting ban. Traditionally, call-and-responses begin from the left... and Wakana (Shiki's actress) proceeds to "forget" how to do hers and ask the 1st-gen members for a demonstration, effectively making sure they get to have the group's first live audience interactions. Making it even more of a crowning moment is that this was purely on her own initiative, and the only one she told beforehand was Naomi (Sumire's actress) just to make sure she wouldn't refuse and stall things.
