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Heartwarming / Doctor Who Magazine 456-461 "Hunters of the Burning Stone"

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  • This Magazine comic brings back some of the Doctor's first companions ever, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. Who, after an understandable amount of confusion (having left the First Doctor before learning of his ability to regenerate) slowly come to accept that the seemingly young man piloting the highly renovated TARDIS. Is in fact the same person as the old man they traveled with before.
    • The Eleventh Doctor's appeal to Barbara.
    Barbara: Who are you?
    The Doctor: (with a smile) Barbara Wright... The school teacher who became an Aztec god. Who braved the Gobi desert with Marco Polo. Who dined with Nero as Rome burned... Do you really not know me?
    Barbara: (stunned silence)
    • Later, the Doctor is able to overcome a psychic assault with the memories of the moment when Ian first persuaded the Doctor not to kill someone. The Doctor tells Ian he inspired him to be a better man ever since. After learning about the Time War, as well as the Doctor's other faces and their actions, Ian reassures the Doctor that he is a good man, and the two finally reconcile.
    Ian: You're a legend, alright, but not a dark one. You've been a thread of hope running throughout human history! Doctor, if you learn anything from me, learn that! I want you to see yourself through our eyes! Accept what you truly are... and forgive yourself.
    The Doctor: (sheds a tear, then smiles) Come along Chesterton. Let's go save the world.
    • The best part comes at the end, especially if you're an original series fan. Ian and Barbara get married, with the Doctor as the best man.
