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Heartwarming / A Royal Night Out

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  • The fact that Lillibet and Mags get along as sisters, enjoying their night out. Especially when they finally get to the Chelsea Barracks and dance the Charleston as Margaret wanted.
  • Elizabeth barely has time to enjoy her night out as she spends most of it trying to catch up to Margaret as her younger sister innocently gets dragged off into the night for wacky hijinks. That's how much she cares about her sister.
  • Elizabeth finally argues for the night out by suggesting to her father that they could go among the masses and listen to the King's Speech declaring the end of the European war to find out "if the people like it." She's in a public house when the speech is broadcast. When Jack loudly snarks at it, the entire pub rises to the King's defense and tosses Jack out on his rear. She later tells her father at breakfast that the people loved the speech, which improves King George's mood.
  • King George admitting he let his daughters - especially Elizabeth - go out because "It's going to be her world soon."
  • The brothel owner (and black marketeer) who immediately recognizes Margaret as a princess - he's an unabashed Royalist - and rescues her from the man attempting to spike her drink. He does use what she knows about how to get into the Barracks so he can sneak in his prostitutes but he keeps a safe eye on her up until the Barracks guards shove him into a room they then lock up.
  • The scene where the King and Queen address the public, followed by a montage of the people celebrating. Elizabeth is hugged and kissed by complete strangers and is pleasantly surprised by it. It's a wonderful recreation of a moment where the whole nation was united by the celebration of Victory in Europe, despite the losses suffered.
  • As Elizabeth and Jack ride on a tugboat, they pass some of the damage suffered by the Blitz, with Jack offering harsh commentary on how people's lives were ruined. But Elizabeth notices a couple arranging their dinner in a bombed-out apartment and notes that people still managed.
  • In an interesting background moment, as Elizabeth and Jack walk down the halls of the Palace they do so as the boards covering the windows are being taken down, allowing sunlight into the hallway. It's a subtle indication that with the War over - at least in Europe - there's no more need for blackouts and that life is returning to normal.note 
  • Elizabeth finally getting that kiss from Jack the whole movie's been building up to.
