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Headscratchers / Zootopia+

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Given they were at the wedding, how did Nick and Judy miss seeing, or even hearing about, the effect Night Howlers had on the bridesmaids?

Because it seems like that would have speeded up their investigation a bit.

  • Perhaps the bouquet-tossing happened after Judy and Nick already left to talk with Manchas?
  • A Mafia don like Mr. Big is hardly likely to call in the police after such a disturbance, especially if it would get a member of the family (Tru Tru) locked up. Rather, he'd have the affected women confined in secret until they recovered - which shouldn't take long, since they only inhaled the Night Howlers' scent rather than getting intentionally dosed with the concentrated toxin - and offer personal restitution to any guests they'd nipped in the confusion.

How is it that Sam was the only server at the restaurant? She’s clearly waiting on several tables at once and most of her customers were suffering because she was also waiting on Flash and Priscilla.

Waiting tables is a demanding job, and have you seen the restaurant owner?

  • Could be, everyone else called in sick so they could go to the concert without fear of being late.
  • Perhaps the restaurant owner is a cheapskate and didn't hire more than one server.
