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Headscratchers / Tower and the Hive

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  • In the early parts of the series, "Travel Sickness" was revealed to have a single psychosomatic cause. But no one thought to look for that cause until Jeff Raven appeared. Which would logically mean either no other Primes tried to teleport between worlds before Siglen (the aforementioned cause) and her peers, there were no non-Earth-based Primes before then or no one noticed the previous Primes had no such issues. We know Peter Reidinger wasn't even the first of his name to be Earth Prime, so we know there've been prior Primes. Are we to believe none of Reidinger's predecessors ever went offworld, in the three centuries between Pegasus In Space and The Rowan?
  • That far into the future, even a frontier mining operation like The Rowan's family ran didn't have offsite records or registration spelling out who was in the encampment? And NO records survived the mudslide? No computers, no file cabinets?
    • Or even outdated records?
