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Headscratchers / The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder

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Grandma's Hands

  • In the episode where Penny has to take care of Suga Mama because she got hurt, she says something along the lines of that she was going to take care of Suga Mama the same way she took care of her and her daddy. This implies that Penny and by extension, the rest of the family sees how bad Suga Mama treats Oscar. So why do they never say anything or speaks up or stands up for him?
    • Because they play Oscar’s abuse for laughs. Not defending it or anything that’s just the show’s humor.
      • IIRC, a lot of what Suga Mama does is likely out of how she expresses love (note that, in this series, her parents were way worse than she tends to be), so not actual malice, however, still a toxic way of expressing it.


  • Why wasn't Maya's assertion that black people can't be racist condemned?
    • If I had to guess, it's possible that her assertion wasn't challenged because some (or, in this case, her circle of peers) tend view "racism" as more of institutional thing. Without getting into a can of bullet ants, the gist of of this is tied to to historical reasons (as explained a bit more here)


  • How was Christian A. Smith's status as a slaveowner scrubbed so hard from history, because before being a slaveowner was taboo people would openly show evidence of that status? How did Kelly censor Christian A. Smith's to that extent?
    • It's possible that there wasn't too much records on Christian A. Smith's history to start with and much of it was lost (or otherwise disputed).

  • Why do people in the show treat Christian A. Smith's status as a slaveowner as a mark of him as a monster? It does make him a flaw figure, but it runs in contrast with how so many founders and other figures in American history were slaveowners and no one treats them as irredeemable monsters. It also wouldn't be grounds he shouldn't be able to be celebrated.

  • Why didn't Maya and KG use any other search engine to search up Christian A. Smith's history?

  • What stuff did Christian A. Smith did for him to get so heroically regarded?

  • Did they change the state that Smithsville/Emilyville take place in? Because the original had them in California which had ties with slavery but it wasn't the plantation slavery as mentioned in the episode.
    • Actually, it was kinda "yes and no". Technically, California was a "free state" in the sense that the institution couldn't really be upheld (that is, no slavery laws or slave patrols) but that didn't stop slave-owners from moving there, so it's entirely possible that there were plantations or, at least, in this show's case there were.

  • Why does a black celebrity like Wizard Kelly vouch hard for Christian A. Smith? Most black celebrities in real life wouldn't do what he did in the Juneteenth episode but instead would get on board with canceling his legacy.
    • There are plenty of black celebrities even now that still vouch for what controversial historical figures have done, so Wizard Kelly being an opportunist likely wouldn't object unless he could make money off of it.

  • Why did Wizard Kelly arrest the bystanders and he even arrested Sunset and Barry, who are cops and were either part of the ceremony or in the crowd?

  • Wizard Kelly has been shown to be extremely corrupt and have the city basically in his pocket.
  • How was Emily able to keep a diary with the fact she was a slave and wouldn't have the material to able to keep it together? Also where was she able to learn to read and write which was a rare skill only those who were willing to educate with how Christian A. Smith was portrayed wasn't possible.
    • While some states did have laws banning people from teaching slaves literacy, it's possible that they didn't have those in California and, technically, California was a "free state"

  • Why did Emily bury it on the plantation instead of give to her descendants to keep as records?
    • She possibly didn't think she'd have descendants.

  • The episode showed that Emily had descendants then why didn't any come up to speak up about Christian A. Smith's slave past, especially before Wizard Kelly was ever born and could have shown the more darker side of him.

  • The the episode states that the park used to be the Smith Plantation, but the the fact that there used to be a plantation there should have left more evidence of it's presence than just Emily's diary. While most plantations have been destroyed by natural disasters, fire, and neglect. And if it was more realistic they would have kept the plantation around due to it's ties with the founder.
