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Headscratchers / Shin Ultraman

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  • If one takes the possible easter eggs of Shin Ultraman as canon to Shin Godzilla, then one would realize after connecting events, that there are some problems:
    • If one accepts that the events of Ultra Q shown in the intro happen at the same year as the show, then Gomess emerged in 1966. If this is the case, how come he appeared before Godzilla, while looking almost identical to him?
      • When was this brought up in the movie? Gomess' emergence and defeat in Shin Ultraman were not given a definitive year, but it seemed to be set in the present day, just like Shin Godzilla.
    • Where were the SSSP organization when Godzilla attacked? Apparently, in said film, they even question such a thing as a massive marine creature emerging from the sea, to dry land as impossible. If one where to say it was canon, then they already should have known the very fact that kaiju are capable of defying the laws of physics (and displaying impossible powers as well, like freezing breath.)
      • To the above: Shin Ultraman is a Stealth Sequel to Shin Godzilla, not a prequel. As such, if we run with the logic of Shin Ultraman's opening montage and how it numbers each Kaiju that appears, Shin Godzilla would be classified as "Powerful Calamity Beast #0", before Shin Gomessnote . Also, after Shin Godzilla's neutralization, Japan probably wasn't expecting more gigantic monster attacks, and from beasts that differ from Godzilla to boot. Whereas Yaguchi's team was a team of volunteers put together for the sole purpose of stopping Godzilla, and as such was temporary, the SSSP was formed as a dedicated general-response team to all Kaiju attacks.
      • My apologies for not answering (and i don't know if even doing so is allowed on a non-chat page such as this) but thanks, i noticed that i actually screwed up when i wrote Prequel instead of Sequel alongside the fact that i didn't notice the tanks fighting Gomess were of modern usage. Thanks for clearing out my questions, i was mistaken.
