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Headscratchers / Satina

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  • If Satina is supposed to be a Human-Demon hybrid, Why does she seem to have inherited almost NOTHING genetically from Dave?
    • Lucia must have the dominant gene in the process of Satina's birth. She IS the Queen of Hell after all so she has the final say on what Satina will get from the "unholy union". She might have inherited the human mentality aspect from Dave cause she "fixed" the server issue by amazingly listening to what her dad actually said.
    • To me it looks like Satina has a more human-like body-shape than her mother, so there's that at least.
    • Probably to reinforce the idea that her mother and father's relationship was always an Unequal Pairing, right down to occupation. She's a supernatural entity and Dave's just an ordinary biological human, so her traits will be dominant.
  • Good god, Lucia. Does she actually or did she ever love Dave enough to conceive a child with him? Was Satina a product of necessity of wanting a daughter and picking a father at random? Was Satina a Child by Rape with Lucia spiting Dave for leaving them part of a Blue-and-Orange Morality?
