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Headscratchers / Plan Bee

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How does the bee government work?

  • In real life, bee society is an absolute monarchy. In the film, Queen Akif seemingly needed the elders on her side to depose Queen Beatrice; Beatrice, on the other hand, simply comes back to reclaim it all. They also seem to have concepts of justice, rights, etc.

Why does the Queen bee leave without a fight in the first place? All that happened was that the worker bees forced their way in, Queen Beatrice said 'your reign of fear is over', and she simply stepped down and flew away. Granted, she had a 0% Approval Rating, but she could have resisted, couldn't she?

Why do the bees know so much about American history?

  • The bees seem to be acquainted with American History to the point that they know of two presidents by name and their roles in the history of civil rights, and about the American Revolution and the Civil War. Shouldn't they be studying bee leaders and bee wars or something?

How the hell did they get out of the dumpster?

  • They appear out of nowhere with Bing and Beatrice in the final scene. However, there are no established ways for them to have got out, and the lid is obviously too heavy for them to lift. How on earth did they manage to escape?
    • Somebody might have come and open the lid, which allowed them to escape. Either way it's bad story telling.
