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Headscratchers / Inside No 9 S 5 E 4 Misdirection

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So Gabriel switched the rings? How did he know what Neville's ring looked like?

  • Neville is famous (or famous ish) so Gabriel was probably able to find detailed photographs and videos online with some dedication.
  • Also, it's established in his conversation with Jennie that Neville hasn't really changed his look in a while; he's probably been wearing the same ring for ages. There's likely a wealth of reference material available for Gabriel to peruse.

Who made the phone calls to Jennie’s hotel?

  • Gabriel. He only spoke to the receptionists, who wouldn't have known Neville's voice well enough to realise it wasn't really him.
  • But wasn’t he in the interview while they were being made?
  • It's notable that Gabriel presents himself as a phoneaholic to Neville; it's likely that while he's seemingly playing around on his phone he's actually doing something connected to this at least some of the time. Most likely he's contacting a possible accomplice via text, but it's also possible that he's rigged an autodialler to call the hotel with recorded messages that he triggers using another app on his phone, or something similar.
  • There is also a clear passage of time between Gabriel "storming out" of the interview and Jennie calling Neville from the hotel; time enough for Gabriel to log phone calls to the hotel while he's waiting for Neville to open the safe.
