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Headscratchers / Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

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  • So if the Cosmic Retcon at the end of the game meant that humanity and digimon never met, then why was Yuugo still in a coma for eight years, or Aiba for whatever the canon duration of the game's events were, for that matter?
    • EDEN Syndrome was retconned into the aftermath of a terrorist attack that put Yuugo and the other victims in a coma. Aiba took an extra week to wake up because his consciousness data fell apart on the way back to his body. Arguably it doesn't make sense that anyone fell into a coma at all, since there's no real reason that the changed timeline would cause a terrorist attack, but Hacker's Memory implies that anyone who was still moving between worlds during the Cosmic Retcon wouldn't be fully affected. If that's the case, it explains why there were still coma victims: since the EDEN Syndrome patients' consciousness data wasn't finished returning from the Digital World when the Cosmic Retcon happened, the new universe needed an "excuse" for why they weren't awake, at least for the brief period until their minds could fully return to the bodies. Any other inconsistencies can be Handwaved with the fact that Suedou was ultimately guiding the process and presumably arranged things the way he did for reasons beyond what we can figure out.
  • Sources state Arata to be 19, which makes him a legal adult. So why do the adults still call him a minor?
    • Because it doesn't make him a legal adult. Japan's age of majority is 20, or at least, it was at the time the game released.
    • I thought Japan was one of those countries where 16 was the age of consent. Why else are so many anime characters sexualized girls under 18?
      • While I'm not going to touch the latter question, nor the morality of the matter in general, it's worth noting that the age of consent in a state or country doesn't always match the age of majority (AKA legal adulthood)- while I've never heard of one where the age of consent was higher, there are many cases where it's lower, with or without certain restrictions on the matter. Japan happens to be one of those countries- their age of majority is 20 (at the time of this writing and of the game's release- it's slated to be lowered to 18 in 2022), while the age of consent is... complicated, but below 20 in any case. Either way, it means that Arata is still legally a minor within the context of the game.
  • During the case where Aiba, Arata, and Nokia are eating at various restaurants in Nakano Broadway on an anonymous food critic's (later revealed to be Yuuko) behalf, Arata criticizes Nokia's tendency to opt for whatever egg-based dish was available, citing that "the sweetness of the egg would spoil her appetite". Um, are the only eggs Arata's ever eaten Cadbury Eggs or something? Because last I checked, sweet is not how I would describe how eggs taste.
    • Some Japanese egg-based foods use sugar (e.g. tamagoyaki, which is a sweet omelet.) It might have been a sweet egg dish/ingredient that got mistranslated as simply "egg." Besides that, a lot of popular Japanese desserts tend to use less sugar than American ones anyway, so the cultural standard for "sweet" is probably a bit different.
