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Headscratchers / Dark Seed

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  • Doing things in our world, such as opening doors and placing objects, affects things in the Dark World. Exactly what does this look like for Dark World denizens when Mike's in the light world? Doors opening seemingly randomly and things flying around of their own volition?
    • Since there is a Dark world denizen for everyone in the real world, would it be so strange if the counterparts were synced in some way?
  • If Dark Worlders turn into statues when they die, why is the Hall of Death full of bones? Have other humans somehow ended up there besides Mike?
    • They got really crappy statues.
  • If those from the Dark World are unable to cross over, how did the embryo get in Mike's head?
    • I believe they can’t crossover by themselves. However, if they’re completely enveloped in living material from ‘our’ side, then they can get through. Kinda like how the Terminators need living skin tissue to go through the time portals.
