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Headscratchers / BNA: Brand New Animal

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  • Does anyone else think Alan got off too easy in the end? I'm not saying Shirou should've killed him. But it would've been poetic justice for one of those anti-beastman bots to come wheeling in and shooting him full of his Nirvasil syndrome "cure", reducing him to a lowly human. I mean, if taking away the main villain's powers worked for Aang against Firelord Ozai, I don't see why it couldn't have worked here.
    • While I agree that it would have been more fitting, for Alan (who prided himself of being a pure blood immune to Nirvasil Syndrome) being not only beaten by Shirou but also succumbing to the disease himself and then being spared and saved from death and depowerment by the “mongrel” hybrids, Shirou and Michiru(through both her blood flowing through Shirou and her presence making him him want to be better) I think that in itself was plenty punishment for him. Or so I feel.
  • If the only sport is Baseball (Which is used for gambling), why do they have a basketball hoop and a basketball in Anima City?
    • It may be that baseball is the only sport with enough presence and popularity to be a real competitive sport, but other sports exist for fun. Think something like American Football in, say, Europe. People play it, but there's not enough overarching interest or popular mass appeal to really make it into a major sporting event
  • What exactly did Boris do to Hiromu Yaba in Episode 8 to cause him to undergo the Nirvasyl Syndrome transformation, if the finale indicates it's a natural occurrence in Beastmen?
    • Possibly simply broke him down with facts (things like knowing EXACTLY what Sylvasta was doing (maybe even more than Yaba himself), what the end goal was, the fact that he could easily expose Yaba to much, MUCH worse prosecution, etc). That and possibly a small dose of venom to add physical stress into the mix. Basically, he just put enough stress on Yaba that the transformation kicked in
  • Why, exactly, would beastmen having the same rights as humans mean flying beastmen couldn't fly as they pleased? Surely a government in which their rights are recognized wouldn't apply the same restrictions to them as they would an aircraft; they're too different.
    • I think that's a deliberate malicious kindness. They have the EXACT same rights as humans. Humans can't cross international borders without permission, so neither can a flying beastman. It's giving them "equal" rights, but simultaneously reminding them that they are NOT equal. As a real world analogy, it would be saying all people get schools... But the schools for people who are, say, blind DON'T have textbooks in braille. The schools are "equal", but that "equality" means anyone that isn't "normal" is screwed over.
  • What's with the red cartoony octopus that pops up as Michiru is forcibly being changed into a baseball uniform in Episode 5?
