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Good Bad Bugs / Overwatch

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  • A strange glitch in early builds of the game caused Widowmaker's butt to become bigger whenever she activated her goggles.
  • There were a lot of things wrong with Junkrat's ultimate in the first closed beta phase, from it falling through the ground to being launched out of the map for no clear reason. That said, the results were usually hilarious and actually served to emphasize how crazy the guy really is.
  • The Play of the Game replay focuses on the player who got it, even if the player is using a builder character and their turrets are doing the actual killing. This leads to amusing things like the PotG focusing on a Torbjörn who's in completely empty territory doing apparently nothing of value, or worse, one who's dead and waiting to respawn. For a time, the Play of the Game's metric for what can qualify for it was so broken that, in some cases, you can get Play of the Game for accidentally killing yourself.
  • Reaper leans forwards while performing his "Cheer" and "Slice" emotes, and not only does this mean he can clip through walls, but his hitboxes still remain intact. If one decides to get cocky to the enemy team right behind the closed spawn door before the round starts, the enemy team can easily punish them.
  • Tracer had a glitch that allowed her to get stuck inside the payload using recall and proper prediction and positioning, leading to moments where players could push/contest the cart despite not visibly being near it.
  • In Lúcio Ball 2016, a glitch would cause players, by a random chance, to spawn as another random character instead of Lúcio, mostly occurring if you spam the character selection button while the game loads, or sometimes just randomly. This can lead to some amusing sights, such as Mei trying to freeze the enemy Lúcio, Soldier: 76 having an unfair advantage, Symmetra placing her turrets in the middle of the field (and earning Team Kill in the process), and D.Va getting POTG despite being immobile for most of the match. And yes, this means Bastion still has a chance to get a POTG if the game gave you Bastion.
  • Until it was updated in January 2017, Roadhog's Chain Hook was (and debatably still is) one of the most buggy abilities in the game, with its bizarre hitbox detectionexplanation  occasionally causing it to do really unpredictable things to its targets, to the point where the Overwatch subreddit had an unspoken contest of "How absolutely ridiculous can Roadhog's hook get?", with new entries claiming to have "the worst Roadhog hook" almost every other day. Frustrating for players? Definitely. Amusing to watch? Absolutely.
  • Symmetra's left-click has a strange way of interacting with light physics objects, namely that at the very end of it, if she moves slowly enough, it will constantly float in place. Combine this with putting turrets on basketballs within control point map spawns (which seem to be the only mobile element Symmetra can put her turrets onto), a result can be one of the most hilariously Awesome, but Impractical strategies ever, creating what is essentially a floaty basketball of microwave-y death.note 
  • In Oasis, a Custom Game, no cooldowns, Skirmish-only glitch allows you to place an infinite number of turrets and/or traps by deliberately throwing a trap/placing a turret on the road and let them get run over. The glitch here is that in the several seconds that follows following its destruction, you can put as many traps/turrets (normally 2) as you want because the game hasn't properly registered the destroyed turret/trap yet, causing the many traps/turrets you put to lost their tie to the player despite still being usable (hence why when you do a mass destruction of those, preferably with D.Va's Self Destruct, the killfeed will detect the infinite trap/turrets as either blank or 0). The results are absolutely hilarious.
  • Because of the mechanics on how the Ice Wall is spawned, putting Mei's Ice Wall directly underneath any solid object (dead bodies of a player included) will result in whatever is on top of the wall getting launched high in the air because of the speed the wall generates when you spawn/build it. Youtuber Muselk dedicated one video on this.
  • Sometime in early March 2017, a glitch sprouted with Mercy in that saying "hello" with her while gliding causes her wings to temporarily grow massive. A model glitch for certain, but definitely impressive.
  • A glitch in Numbani allowed D.Va and Sombra to escape the map's boundaries, some methods requiring shortened cooldowns which you can easily find a game for in the Arcade. By standing in certain spots outside the spawn rooms, you can even switch your character while still outside the map. You can even manuever behind buildings and kill enemies from inside them. Sombra glitching outside the map is proving to be possible in more and more maps, such as King's Row, Route 66, or Watchpoint: Gibraltar.
  • Soldier: 76's "Push-Ups" emote has him get down and do some push-ups, though (un)fortunately, it seems it wasn't initially designed with the Daredevil: 76 skin in mind, and for a time if he was to use the emote with that skin, his cape would clip right into his head. His "Strike Commander" skin also had this problem, except the cape clipped through his torso instead.
  • Before they were soon patched out, in the Uprising mode, if someone was standing at the door to the Omnic power station as the payload defense phase ends, no enemies would spawn while escorting the payload. Similarly, if Torbjörn placed a turret in the right spot at the top of the stairs near the third hack point, it would prevent enemies from spawning in that direction.
  • When Reinhardt charges enemies, his victims usually let out a long scream that would stop as soon as the charge finishes or they get squished to their demise. However, should the charge get interrupted by crowd control at the right time, occasionally his victim will still continue to scream even though they're no longer pinned and are resuming their fight like normal.
  • Around the start of Season 6, a repeatable bug was discovered in custom games that allowed players to form 12v12 matches with bots in custom gamesHow it was done . This was quietly patched out by Blizzard not long after discovery, but players who held 12v12 games had a blast, and have asked for Blizzard to add the functionality back in, possibly as an official, expanded game mode.
  • If you're put to sleep by Ana's Sleep Dart, you can still use your character's voice lines, which is likely unintentional. One way to interpret this is your character talking in their sleep. Also, if you use certain abilities just before being hit by a Sleep Dart, such as Lúcio's Amp It Up, the hand motions associated with the ability persist from your point-of-view even after the dart has taken effect.
  • Brigitte has a mild physics quirk where she can vertically ramp off certain surfaces with her Shield Bash. Her initial release on the PTR made "bashjumping" hilariously busted, but even after its fix that made its verticality much less drastic, it's still a useful skill to have for some extra mobility.
  • Orisa and Moira had a peculiar bug to their new victory poses added during the Retribution event. For Moira, a bug makes it so that if Moira is equipped with any OWL skins, the Erlenmeyer flask doesn't spawn properly (Moira is supposed to hold it in her left hand) and instead it spawns between her feet. Orisa's bug is even funnier, since a bug makes the dog in the Puppy victory pose to face backwards, causing Orisa to rub the poor dog's ass on her face.
