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Funny / Tremors 4: The Legend Begins

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  • The very notion that anyone in the Gummer bloodline wouldn't own a single firearm.
  • When Gummer and the Rejection townsfolk discuss hiring a professional gunhand, Old Fred suggests "Someone like Doc Holliday." Tecopa replies with, "'cept one that ain't dead."
  • When confronted by the Graboids Hiram pulls out his chosen weapon...a tiny .22 pea-shooter.
    Hiram: You said to pick something I was comfortable with!
    Black Hand Kelly: (in disbelief) It's true. I did say that.
  • When all of the townspeople show off their guns, young Fu Yien Chang pulls a slingshot out of his coat.
  • When Mrs. Chang voices an interest in returning to China, her husband tells her that the only way that will happen is if she learns how to swim.
  • Tecopa likes to pretend that the cigar store Indian statue is modeled after him.
    • The fact than when Hiram is giving everyone what they want (a hotel, a new market, a ranch) all Tecopa wants is a new indian statue but one that looks like him.
  • Hiram comes across as quite a dandy when he tries to ride his bike across the desert, and it breaks in less than a minute.
  • During Old Fred's eulogy, Juan mentions that he had bad breath, then pauses and says he probably shouldn't have said that.
  • The Analogy Backfire subversion.
    Hiram: We will make Rejection our last bastion, our last line of defense.
    Juan: Our Alamo.
    Hiram: Juan, we were the losers at the Alamo.
    Juan: Speak for yourself, Gringo.
  • Hiram Gummer's Epic Fail:
    "You missed! WITH A CANNON!"
