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Funny / The Dudley Boys

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  • "Who wants a jar of ass cream?! What the Hell are you guys doing with ass cream? What do you do with ass cream, might I ask?!"
  • At the post-WrestleMania Raw, Bubba Ray went ballistic over the botch the timekeeper made during the Dudleys' table match against The Usos.
  • One week, The James Gang had insulted Devon's mother and Ray brought it up during a backstage interview, leading to Devon telling Ray (and Jeremy Borash for good measure) to "get off my mother". Ray of course took his chance and said "OK Devon, me and JB will both get off your mother".
  • In the summer of 2012, Bully Ray announced on Impact that he was starting a Twitter account and sent his first tweet during that promo. Since then, he's pimped his Twitter account every week, right down to tweeting while coming down the entrance ramp and even during a match. He proudly refers to himself as a "twitta machine!"
