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Funny / The Borrowers (1997)

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  • Tom Felton's delivery of Peagreen's sarcastic "oh ha-ha-ha" when Arietty laughs at him for getting stuck in dog poo.
  • Pete Lender's (rather pathetic) attempts at trying to get his dad to pull the car over:
    "Dad, dad, you gotta stop. Uh...I can't see...every thing's gone dark! My leg, oh, I think it just broke...ooh..."
    • Especially when you realize he could have just said he forgot something in the house...
  • Exterminator Jeff is pretty much made of this, being an overly nice guy fascinated to learn Borrowers exist and failing epically each time Potter pushes him to kill them.
    • When Jeff arrives at the empty house.
    Exterminator Jeff: Borrowers!
    Potter: You've seen this before?
    Exterminator Jeff: No, but I've heard the stories. But that's what I thought they were, just stories. The fly with the human head, the poker-playing rats, the giant radioactive cockroaches.
    Potter: Spare me the folklore, will ya? Can you kill 'em or not?
    Exterminator Jeff: Yes. Extermination is my middle name. But why do you want me to exterminate the Borrowers?
    Potter: 'Cause those little rats stole something very important from me. AND NOBODY STEALS FROM OCIOUS P. POTTER!
    Exterminator Jeff: You mean borrowed, don't you?
    Potter: What?!
    Exterminator Jeff: Oh, well, they're Borrowers. They don't steal, they... (Potter givers him a disapproving glare) Right.
    • Potter gets impatient and demands Jeff to hurry up, which startles him so much he accidentally sprays insecticide foam in his face. Even Arietty and Peagreen can't help but laugh.
    Exterminator Jeff: You should never interrupt an exterminator mid-foam!
    Potter: GET IT OFF! IT BURNS! GET IT OFF ME, YOU IDIOT! GET...IT...OFF...OF ME! (Jeff finally manages to remove the foam off Potter's face. He looks at the foam—as it forms the perfect shape of Potter's head like a mask with the mustache literally stuck to it. Potter gets up, his mustache ripped off and face now sunburnt red.) My face! WHAT'VE YOU DONE TO MY FACE?!
    Exterminator Jeff: Nothing! You look fine! In fact, you look years younger!
    (Potter rushes to his briefcase and pulls out a mirror. He stares at his reflection in horror)
    Potter: (gasps) Ahh...
    Exterminator Jeff: Don't give into it!
    Potter: My mustache! It''s...
    Exterminator Jeff: Gone, sir.
    • Potter turns and sees Arietty and Peagreen on the upper balcony, while Exterminator Jeff stands there amazed and distracted.
    Potter: What're you waiting for?!
    Exterminator Jeff: Incredible! Amazing! Tiny little people, moving on the landing!
    • Exterminator Jeff offers to foam the Borrowers again. Potter just hands him a hammer, then snatches Jeff's foam gun and tosses it over the railing and it shatters on the floor.
  • When Peagreen winds up on a hanging light bulb, Potter repeatedly tries to get him. He swings the hammer at the lightbulb just as Peagreen manages to escape—leaving Potter electrocuted with his hair sticking straight up and a priceless dazed grin.
    Exterminator Jeff: What remarkable little creatures. Did you see his little hands?
    Potter: (weakly, with highest pitch voice imaginable)
    Exterminator Jeff: Pardon?
    Potter: The...power. (Jeff flips the switch back off) I give up... (Potter collapses to the floor. The hammer falls off the shattered bulb and hits him on the head) Ow!
  • Ruby Wax proves to be quite a difficult receptionist if you aren't polite. When Potter demands directions to the demolition office, she gives him a laundry list of what he has to do.
    Potter: Isn't there a faster way?
    Receptionist: Walk quickly.
    • And when Pete asks her (nicely) she tells him he just needs to take the elevator to the right floor.
    Receptionist: "Such a nice boy." (picks at something in her teeth)
  • Spiller gets an epic burn on Potter.
    Spiller: I suppose you think you can do anything you want.
    Potter: That's right, I can.
    Spiller: Bet you couldn't get a girlfriend.
  • Peagreen getting stuck in the milk bottle, and nearly drowning before his Dad knocks the bottle off the conveyor belt. Peagreen's first response when his father rushes to resuscitate him? "I hate milk".
